Sunday, March 4, 2012

Up Hill Climb

Right now in my life I am experiencing some of the HARDEST trials I have yet faced. I never would have thought my life would be like this, but I know that great things will come out if I but endure. Today is Fast Sunday and I would like to share my testimony, no matter how simple it may be...

No matter how hard we try we will never be perfect at anything we do. We are human, we make mistakes, and will continue to make mistakes, but God loves us still!! He created you with your imperfections, so that we could learn and grow. All of us are unique, we all have something to offer, to give. We must be servants of our Father, show Him you have faith in Him. Serve Him. Love Him. Trust Him. Too many times I feel like I am trying to climb an up hill battle that is never going to end, but D&C 121:7-9 says that our afflictions will be but a small moment. Keep your head held high, believe in who you are, what you are becoming, and who created you. God loves all His children, our Heavenly Mother is watching over us just as much as our Heavenly Father, and Elder Brother are. We are an eternal family, we are brothers and sisters, born at this time for a reason. So many of us second guess our place here. It's okay to question but DO NOT DOUBT! Find answers to your questions, ask the Lord, search the scriptures, and ponder your patriarchal blessing.

I am so grateful for the lasting love that my Heavenly Family has for me. We were together before this life, we are here together now, and we will again be together after this life. It's precious, it's remarkable, it's truth! I pray that we may all remember how important it is to be who you are, obey the Lord, and trust in His plan. I am so grateful for His support and strength each and every day, He is there. I humbly say these things, knowing for a fact that all these things are true, and do so in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Happy Fast Sunday to all. I love you! Pray for you every single day, continue on with your head held high!
