Saturday, March 24, 2012


While waiting for an exciting moment look at some of the cute pictures we took in the River Woods.
 Adorable Caitlyn!
 I have no idea what my face is doing, or who the random guy is in the background haha
 Ignore the Victoria's Secret store in the back. Sorry, I didn't plan that, but hey we had fun looking in some of the game and clothing stores.

I read the Hunger Games (minus book 2 haha due to a silly me) and loved the books. Of course I wanted to see the movies! I decided to wait for a while until the crowds died down, but to my surprise I was given 3 free tickets to go to Hunger Games. We had so much fun! Here are some pictures....

 I can't wait any longer!!! Ah!
Thanks for the tickets James Wilkinson. Thanks James Jones (the guy in the picture) for going, and of course Caitlyn for coming to! It was amazing!!!

After the movie (which by the way is absolutely amazing!) we picked up Sam (my cousin) and her date Riley. Here we are before...
We are so ready for this!!!
Me singing at the top of my lungs, dancing like a fool, and having a blast while stuck in traffic! Are we there yet? Finally we find a parking spot, felt like 18 miles away haha we walked forever. We got more color just walking then we did inside the color festival. Look at us!!

I had a blast! Thank goodness for the fun time. It was so worth the stained ears! haha Hope we go again next year! =)