Tuesday, March 27, 2012

God's Tender Mercies...

Today was an incredible experience! Many of the cocoons have opened and we have butterflies learning to fly! It's so exciting!! One of the cocoons fell off the top and I thought it was dead. But having a little faith I put the little cocoon in the net hoping that something would come from it. Well today while my mom, dad and I were watching the new butterflies the cocoon opened. We witnessed the arrival of our little friend. I have never seen such a neat experience before in my life. I was so humbled. This little guy wiggled out. His wings were 1/4 the size of his body. Folded into a tiny stack on each side. I knew that gravity was needed to help his wings develop or he would never take flight. So I reached in and he instantly grabbed onto my finger. I put him on the wall and he hung there. Gravity worked quick. His wings were pulled down. He fell off the walls a lot, but every time he fell off I picked him back up hung him on the wall and just hoped he would hang on. Luckily he did. His name is Nemo because one of his wings is smaller than the other, due to the way his cocoon laid on the ground. He can fly, just not as strong as the others. It was a beautiful experience that I will never forget. God surprises me with such tiny miracles every single day, but they are definitely worth writing about, learning from, and cherishing. Here are some pictures of our little miracles that brighter our lives.
Nemo has inspired me. He went through a rough time that had "bad" circumstances, but he endured to the end. He is a special butterfly. I did a speech in Public Speaking on Butterflies so they all got to go on a field trip with me to school. I haven't seen them have so much energy in my life. They were soaking up the sun, just loving life. It was really fun. Everyone who walked by in the hallway had to look. It's fun. Made me popular haha just kidding. But they sure love the sun. Look at them all in the morning when the sun hits...
Never thought a "bug" could be so special, but many reason behind this beauty. Such a remarkable transformation. Another of God's wonders. =) Love you all! XOXOX