Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prom #1

I listed this as Prom #1 because Caitlyn has been asked to TWO Proms this year. Goodness sake she is only a SOPHOMORE!! It's going to be crazy, and a great experience. I have been texting, arranging, and helping boys all week come over and ask her. Look how the first one went....
Is this not DARLING??? A message in a bottle! Oh goodness did I mention the young man wrote her name that way??? Can you believe it?!
Getting the message out of the bottle was killing us! We couldn't wait any longer ha ha. (My nails were wet and I didn't want to ruin the paper, I'm not scared of dirt you guys haha)
This is goose reading the poem!
The Poem said: (he wrote it himself)
I put a message in a bottle,
Threw it in an ocean wave,
No wind of sail to aid it's journey,
Just dancing on a restless sea.
A simple vessel made of glass,
Laid up upon the shore,
Inside was written an urgent plea,
Will you go to Prom with me?
                     ~Aaron C.

We had to answer fast! =) haha couldn't keep him waiting! So Caitlyn wrote the following poem:
I sent this message in a bottle,
To reply to thy urgent plea.
I threw it as far as I could,
Into the dancing sea.
Wishing with all my heart that it would reach thee,
Before times runs out for me,
To reply to thy urgent plea,
I would LOVE to go with thee. (YES!!!)

Look how many people helped answer!
Seems like the whole neighborhood, ward, and school knew that Aaron was going to ask Caitlyn, but luckily for everyone Caitlyn had no idea!!
We almost got caught! Aaron pulled into his driveway like thirty seconds after we walked across the street. Congratulations Caitlyn and Aaron I hope it's a blast!!