Saturday, March 31, 2012

Up sides to a house of full of girls!

My dad lives in a house full of GIRLS! Haha he loves us all, but even with all the mood swings, boys, and drama around here there are up sides to living with girls. Look at our counter!!
I feel like we always have flowers. It's fun to have an inside garden! Mom loves the flowers that for sure. =)
Now maybe a down side to having a house of girls is the paycheck for these....

We are ready for Prom(s)!!! Here we go! Love you all XOXOX

Friday, March 30, 2012

Prom #2

THE NEXT DAY! Haha Tyson Raff came over and what do you know my dad killed him ;) haha JUST KIDDING. We did have a crime scene though.

Caution Tape in all the trees in the front yard, but it gets better....

This inside joke goes back so many memories ago! Way to go Tyson for coming up with that creative way ;) haha you did a great job! But we needed something personal and cute right? Look at this!!!
Caitlyn's favorite flower (Lily) and her favorite color (orange). Way to go Tyson! And of course a hand written, long letter. CUTE! Well Caitlyn you are one spoiled, lucky, and loved girl! Daddy better watch out! =)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prom #1

I listed this as Prom #1 because Caitlyn has been asked to TWO Proms this year. Goodness sake she is only a SOPHOMORE!! It's going to be crazy, and a great experience. I have been texting, arranging, and helping boys all week come over and ask her. Look how the first one went....
Is this not DARLING??? A message in a bottle! Oh goodness did I mention the young man wrote her name that way??? Can you believe it?!
Getting the message out of the bottle was killing us! We couldn't wait any longer ha ha. (My nails were wet and I didn't want to ruin the paper, I'm not scared of dirt you guys haha)
This is goose reading the poem!
The Poem said: (he wrote it himself)
I put a message in a bottle,
Threw it in an ocean wave,
No wind of sail to aid it's journey,
Just dancing on a restless sea.
A simple vessel made of glass,
Laid up upon the shore,
Inside was written an urgent plea,
Will you go to Prom with me?
                     ~Aaron C.

We had to answer fast! =) haha couldn't keep him waiting! So Caitlyn wrote the following poem:
I sent this message in a bottle,
To reply to thy urgent plea.
I threw it as far as I could,
Into the dancing sea.
Wishing with all my heart that it would reach thee,
Before times runs out for me,
To reply to thy urgent plea,
I would LOVE to go with thee. (YES!!!)

Look how many people helped answer!
Seems like the whole neighborhood, ward, and school knew that Aaron was going to ask Caitlyn, but luckily for everyone Caitlyn had no idea!!
We almost got caught! Aaron pulled into his driveway like thirty seconds after we walked across the street. Congratulations Caitlyn and Aaron I hope it's a blast!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

God's Tender Mercies...

Today was an incredible experience! Many of the cocoons have opened and we have butterflies learning to fly! It's so exciting!! One of the cocoons fell off the top and I thought it was dead. But having a little faith I put the little cocoon in the net hoping that something would come from it. Well today while my mom, dad and I were watching the new butterflies the cocoon opened. We witnessed the arrival of our little friend. I have never seen such a neat experience before in my life. I was so humbled. This little guy wiggled out. His wings were 1/4 the size of his body. Folded into a tiny stack on each side. I knew that gravity was needed to help his wings develop or he would never take flight. So I reached in and he instantly grabbed onto my finger. I put him on the wall and he hung there. Gravity worked quick. His wings were pulled down. He fell off the walls a lot, but every time he fell off I picked him back up hung him on the wall and just hoped he would hang on. Luckily he did. His name is Nemo because one of his wings is smaller than the other, due to the way his cocoon laid on the ground. He can fly, just not as strong as the others. It was a beautiful experience that I will never forget. God surprises me with such tiny miracles every single day, but they are definitely worth writing about, learning from, and cherishing. Here are some pictures of our little miracles that brighter our lives.
Nemo has inspired me. He went through a rough time that had "bad" circumstances, but he endured to the end. He is a special butterfly. I did a speech in Public Speaking on Butterflies so they all got to go on a field trip with me to school. I haven't seen them have so much energy in my life. They were soaking up the sun, just loving life. It was really fun. Everyone who walked by in the hallway had to look. It's fun. Made me popular haha just kidding. But they sure love the sun. Look at them all in the morning when the sun hits...
Never thought a "bug" could be so special, but many reason behind this beauty. Such a remarkable transformation. Another of God's wonders. =) Love you all! XOXOX

Saturday, March 24, 2012


While waiting for an exciting moment look at some of the cute pictures we took in the River Woods.
 Adorable Caitlyn!
 I have no idea what my face is doing, or who the random guy is in the background haha
 Ignore the Victoria's Secret store in the back. Sorry, I didn't plan that, but hey we had fun looking in some of the game and clothing stores.

I read the Hunger Games (minus book 2 haha due to a silly me) and loved the books. Of course I wanted to see the movies! I decided to wait for a while until the crowds died down, but to my surprise I was given 3 free tickets to go to Hunger Games. We had so much fun! Here are some pictures....

 I can't wait any longer!!! Ah!
Thanks for the tickets James Wilkinson. Thanks James Jones (the guy in the picture) for going, and of course Caitlyn for coming to! It was amazing!!!

After the movie (which by the way is absolutely amazing!) we picked up Sam (my cousin) and her date Riley. Here we are before...
We are so ready for this!!!
Me singing at the top of my lungs, dancing like a fool, and having a blast while stuck in traffic! Are we there yet? Finally we find a parking spot, felt like 18 miles away haha we walked forever. We got more color just walking then we did inside the color festival. Look at us!!

I had a blast! Thank goodness for the fun time. It was so worth the stained ears! haha Hope we go again next year! =)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Nine little cocoons hanging from their net! One little caterpillar died... sad day. But we have nine little ones awaiting their time to awake as beautiful butterflies.
Now we are awaiting our fluttering little friends!!! Spring is coming, and it is coming fast! Hooray!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Return Sister Missionary!

18 long, but well worth, months have come to an end on this beautiful Saturday! Sister Madsen, (Grandma Madsen) has returned home from serving a mission in St. George Utah. We lined the streets with balloons, bows, and streamers. We were there when she turned the corner, and the noise was beautiful. Grandma couldn't get enough hugs. We loved seeing her home. She was excited to be home.
We helped her unload the trailer. Took us a total of 7 minutes. Look at us go!

We had so much fun moving stuff in. Grandma, we are so grateful you are home! We helped fixed the phone, move some furniture, but most of all....

FAMILY! I love all my cousins, and family members. Welcome home Grandma!!! We are so proud of you!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Anxious Moments!

I have been checking the mail for weeks now! And it's finally here. My envelope of acceptance or denial to Acaydia school of Aesthetics has arrived in the mailbox. It waits on the counter top. I picked it up in my hands, surprised to see the seal broken and the envelope opened. My excited little mama beat me to it. She couldn't wait for me to get home from school. Her nerves got to her. I pulled out the letter...
EVERYONE I AM ACCEPTED!!! I am so grateful for this opportunity. Many hours spent on my knees, and they have all been answered! I'm proud to announce I am attending Acaydia (in Provo) this August, and will graduate in May of 2013 with my Masters in Aesthetics. =) Thank you for all your prayers, and support! Love you all.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fuzzy Friends!

My ten fat, furry caterpillars arrived in the mail today! I am so excited to watch them grow. It's going to be a great way to start off spring! Lots of gorgeous flowers outside, birds singing in the trees again, and butterflies to come!
I will keep you posted on the next steps! =) Love you all.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Artists in Practice!

Look at how we enjoy the coming spring weather!!!
I'm the smallest!!! Dad what happened to your head?? Goose your feet are misshaped, I have a box head to. Haha oh man that was funny. We are SO ticklish we couldn't hold still =)
 Our diets consist of drawing ice cream. Do you think it will go to our thighs? Haha
Mike Wasouski
Mr. Potato Head "I packed your angry eyes just in case" ~Mrs. Potato Head
Dad drew Uncle Greg riding his snowmobile up the snow capped mountain!
Look at my Dad's hidden talent!!!!! Holy smokes! We had no idea an artist was hidden in him. Look all of us are in there. (mom's Christmas tree, Goose swimming in the pond, me as the butterfly, dad shot the deer he is bleeding if you can't see). Wow it turned out great!
Chalk doesn't stay just on the sidewalk. =) Dad's girls hands prints! LOOK AT THAT SKINNY BODY!!! I'm sexy and I know it!!! ;)

It was the greatest hour I have spent. We had so much fun relaxing, laughing, and drawing. Dad said, "How long has it been since I have done this?" Seriously, it's been TOO long. Get out play with your family and make some great memories! You are never too old to have fun! Love you all!!!
