Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas '11

I can't find my pictures of Christmas day, so I encourage all of you to look at my Mom's blog for pictures her address is I apologize for that but I will still write all about my Christmas this year.

I think this Christmas has been my favorite one so far in my life. It started out with too many neighbor gifts (all of which were edible and delicious), lots of dancing and laughs with family at parties, tons of friends, but the highlights were in service. I already told everyone about the bears for the kids in Primary Children's, I received a very heartfelt letter filled with gratitude for the bears, and how much the kids' loved them. With Christmas being on Sunday this year I was grateful for 9 o' clock church. We woke up at 7:30 ate a huge breakfast (our southern elf made) and went to church. Gifts stayed wrapped and under the tree til 10:30. Christ was the center of our Christmas this year. I think that's where the difference was, He came first one Christmas morning not Santa...

I was blessed with beautiful gifts. Here is the list: Beastly (movie), boots, skirt, hat, watches, earphones, gift cards, new tires on my car, bleach trays, a free facial, hoodie, charms and charm bracelet, scrapbook, puzzle, book, and a guitar. I have been wanting to learn the guitar for some time now, and I am really excited to learn. =) Any tips on how to keep the finger tips from hurting please let me know haha.

Christmas was wonderful, I hope yours was to. I just wish the spirit in the world around Christmas time could say all year round. The world is such a happier place when Christ is the focus. May we all remember Him not in December but every moment of our lives.

Monday, December 19, 2011

21 minutes?!

I was asked to speak in church on December 18th, well so was Caitlyn... Both at nine o' clock, but 15 miles apart... well guess exchange of talks will be family home evening =) Here is a copy of my talk for those of you who asked for it. Enjoy!

I want you to imagine that you have won a million dollars. You have the chance to purchase anything you want. A nice vacation, a fancy new sports car, your dream house, or that new iPhone you always wanted, what do you spend it on? You most likely spend it on something expensive and flashy. Well unfortunately our imagination isn’t reality… the moment you drive that new car out of the dealer’s it has already lost its value. That dream house has payments, repairs, and housekeeping. The nice luxury vacation is now only a memory, with a few snapshots in the photo album. That iPhone is now outdated, and the next model will be released in only a few months. These dreams are only temporary gifts. They last only for a little while before things need fixing.
My topic is on our dear prophet’s talk in this last October conference entitled “Stand in Holy Places”. President Monson starts his talk out by quoting an article from the Wall Street Journal. The article states “Do whatever works for you. The Ten Commandments were rewritten as the Ten Creative Suggestions.” President Monson then states, “Although the world has changed, the laws of God remain constant. They have not changed; they will not change. The Ten Commandments are just that-commandments. They are not suggestions.” End quote. The world is always looking for the fastest, most improved happiness, but isn’t it a comfort to know that God’s commandments has been the same forever and will remain the same for the rest of time? President Monson shares his testimony on this subject by saying, “My brothers and sisters, I declare to you, however, that there is nothing which can bring more joy into our lives or more peace to our souls than the spirit which can come to us as we follow the Savior and keep the commandments.”
I want you to think about the hardships you have been through this far in your life. We all encounter times in our life when it seems too hard to go on, but do we remember that trials are a part of our plan here on earth.  That we came here to be tested, and to learn? We came here to be strengthened and to grow? Maybe sometimes we are missing baby Jesus. I would like to read this story that leads me into the topic of my talk. It’s called is anyone missing baby Jesus?
About a week before Christmas, the family bought a new nativity set. When they unpacked it, they found two figures of the Baby Jesus.
"Someone must have packed this wrong," the mother said, counting out the figures.
"We have one Joseph, one Mary, three wise men, three shepherds, two lambs, a donkey, a cow, an angel and two babies. Oh, dear! I suppose some set down at the store is missing a Baby Jesus because we have two."
"You two run back down to the store and tell the manager that we have an extra Jesus. Tell him to put a sign on the remaining boxes, saying that if a set is missing a Baby Jesus, call 7126."
"Put on your warm coats. It is freezing out there."
The manager of the store copied down mother's message and the next time they were in the store they saw the cardboard sign that read, "If you are missing Baby Jesus, call 7126."
All week long they waited for someone to call. Surely, they thought someone was missing that important figurine. Each time the phone rang, mother would say, "I'll bet that's about Jesus", but it never was.
Father tried to explain there are thousands of these scattered over the country, and the figurine could be missing from a set in Florida or Texas or California. Those packing mistakes happen all the time. He suggested to just put the extra Jesus back in the box and forget about it.
"Put Baby Jesus back in the box! What a terrible thing to do!" said the children.
"Surely someone will call," mother said. "We'll just keep the two of them together in the manger until someone calls."
When no call had come by 5:00 PM on Christmas Eve, mother insisted that father just run down to the store to see if there were any sets left.
"You can see them right through the window, over on the counter," she said. "If they are all gone, I'll know someone is bound to call tonight."

"Run down to the store?" father thundered. "It's 15 below zero out there!"
"Oh, Daddy, we'll go with you," Tommy and Mary began to put on their coats. Father gave a long sigh and headed for the front closet.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered.
Tommy and Mary ran ahead as father reluctantly walked out in the cold. Mary got to the store first and pressed her nose up to the store window.
"They're all gone, Daddy," she shouted. "Every set must be sold."
"Hooray" Tommy said. "The mystery will now be solved tonight!"
Father heard the news still a half block away and immediately turned on his heel and headed back home.
When they got back into the house, they noticed that mother was gone and so was the extra Baby Jesus figurine.
"Someone must have called and she went out to deliver the figurine," my father reasoned, pulling off his boots.
"You kids get ready for bed while I wrap mother's present."
Then the phone rang. Father yelled "answer the phone and tell 'em we found a home for Jesus." But it was mother calling with instructions for us to come to 205 Chestnut Street immediately, and bring three blankets, a box of cookies and some milk..
"Now what has she gotten us into?" my father groaned as we bundled up again. "205 Chestnut. Why that's across town. Wrap that milk up good in the blankets or it will turn to ice before we get there. Why can't we all just get on with Christmas? It's probably 20 below out there now. And the wind is picking up. Of all the crazy things to do on a night like this!"
When they got to the house at 205 Chestnut Street, it was the darkest one on the block. Only one tiny light burned in the living room and, the moment we set foot on the porch steps, my mother opened the door and shouted, "They're here, Oh thank God, you got here, Ray! You kids take those blankets into the living room and wrap up the little ones on the couch. I'll take the milk and cookies."
"Would you mind telling me what is going on, Ethel?" my father asked.
"We have just walked through below zero weather with the wind in our faces all the way."
"Never mind all that now," my mother interrupted. "There is no heat in this house and this young mother is so upset she doesn't know what to do. Her husband walked out on her and those poor little children will have a very bleak Christmas, so don't you complain. I told her you could fix that oil furnace in a jiffy."
My mother strode off to the kitchen to warm the milk while my brother and I wrapped up the five little children who were huddled together on the couch. The children's mother explained to my father that her husband had run off, taking bedding, clothing, and almost every piece of furniture, but she had been doing all right until the furnace broke down.
"I been din washin' and ironin' for people and cleanin' the five and dime," she said. "I saw your number every day there, on those boxes on the counter. When the furnace went out, that number kept going' through my mind... 7126... 7126."
"Said on the box that if a person was missin' Jesus, they should call you. That's how I knew you were good Christian people, willin' to help folks. I figured that maybe you would help me, too. So I stopped at the grocery store tonight and I called your missus. I'm not missin' Jesus, mister, because I sure love the Lord. But I am missin' heat. I have no money to fix that furnace."
"Okay, Okay" said father. "You've come to the right place. Now lets see. You've got a little oil burner over there in the dining room. Shouldn't be too hard to fix. Probably just a clogged flue. I'll look it over, see what it needs."
Mother came into the living room carrying a plate of cookies and warm milk. As she set the cups down on the coffee table, I noticed the figure of Baby Jesus lying in the center of the table. It was the only sign of Christmas in the house. The children stared with wide eyed with wonder at the plate of cookies my mother sat before them.
Father finally got the oil burner working but said "you need more oil."
"I'll make a few calls tonight and get some oil."
"Yes sir, you came to the right place," said the woman...
On the way home, father did not complain about the cold weather and had barely set foot inside the door when he was on the phone.
" Ed, hey, how are ya, Ed? Yes, Merry Christmas to you, too. Say, Ed, we have kind of an unusual situation here. I know you've got that pick-up truck. Do you still have some oil in that barrel on your truck?"
"You do?"
By this time the rest of the family were pulling clothes out of their closets and toys off of their shelves. It was long after their bedtime when they were wrapping gifts. The pickup came. On it were chairs, three lamps, blankets and gifts. Even though it was 30 below, Father let them ride along in the back of the truck.
No one ever did call about the missing figure in the nativity set, but as I grow older I realize that it wasn't a packing mistake at all. Jesus saves, that's what He does.
When we have an extra baby Jesus so to say are we willing to give up that baby Jesus to bless someone else’s life? But more importantly are we willing to call for the baby Jesus? Our line to Christ is as easy as calling 7126. Christ service is 24/7, his line is never busy, and he will never miss your call.
President Monson says in his talk, “As a means of being in the world but not being of the world, it is necessary that we communicate with our Heavenly Father through prayer. He wants us to do so; He’ll answer our prayers. The Savior admonished us, as recorded in 3 Nephi 18, to ‘watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for satan desireth to have you… Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name; And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you.” End quote.
Satan will tempt you throughout life, but temptations become easier to withstand if you have a close relationship with your father in heaven. Later in his talk he says, “I have had countless prayers answered. Not a day has gone by that I have not communicated with my Father in Heaven through prayer. It is a relationship I cherish-one I would literally be lost without. If you do not now have such a relationship with your Father in Heaven, I urge you to work toward that goal. As you do so, you will be entitled to His inspiration and guidance in your life-necessities for each of us if we are to survive spiritually during our sojourn here on earth. Such inspiration and guidance are gifts He freely gives if we seek them. What treasures they are!”
Growing up prayer was the first part of my testimony that I gained myself. I remember being about four years old and asking my dad to help me pray by myself. I wanted to know to Lord personally and to gain that relationship with him at a young age. My dad knelt beside me by my bed, and he prayed for me to feel the spirit as I learned to pray. When he finished he smiled and explained it was my turn. I have never forgotten that feeling I felt when I said my first prayer all by myself. It was like Heavenly Father was on the other side of me kneeling with me, listening. Ever since that day I have never missed a day of saying my prayers. In the book Finding Hope.
Michael Wilcox shares a touching story, about his 4 year old daughter learning the importance of a strong relationship with her Father in Heaven. He says, “Little girl’s prayers remind me of my own daughter, Megan. We bought her a pink toy telephone when she was a little girl. (Considering the time she spent on telephones in her subsequent life, I’m not sure that was a good decision.) She used to have wonderful long conversations with imaginary people on her pink phone. One day I came home from work and found her carrying on quite a serious conversation with someone. She was about four years old. She was so intense that I interrupted her and asked, “Megan, who are you talking to?”
She looked up at me, rather annoyed at the intrusion, and said, “It’s Jesus!” She then turned back to her phone. I was intrigued, so I risked one more interruption. “What is He saying to you, Megan?” I asked. Once again, and with a little more irritation in her voice and face, she put the phone down and said, “He’s telling me to get married in the temple!” I almost picked up the phone myself at this point and said, “Hello?”
Megan established in her early childhood and youth the habit of a familiar relationship with her Father in Heaven, a pink telephone relationship. One day while she was hurrying downstairs she slipped on a stair and fell. Life has a way of combining circumstances at times to produce rather unpleasant results. As fate would have it, my wife had left a glass on the lower step and Megan fell on it, cutting her arm quite badly and severing a nerve. Surgery was done to repair the damage, but weeks of therapy awaited, with no major hope that the nerve would regenerate fast enough to prevent the muscles in her hand from atrophying and causing permanent damage.
I was as worried about my wife as I was my daughter because my wife blamed herself for leaving the glass on the stairs. I could see her carrying a load of mother-guilt throughout her life. We all prayed fervently that the nerve would grow in time and looked to the medical community for encouragement. One morning, Megan walked upstairs and said, “We don’t have to worry about my arm. I prayed and Heavenly Father told me it would be all right.” She was so matter-of-fact about her announcement. My wife and I had turned to doctors, therapy, and surgery for hope. Megan picked up her “pink telephone” and talked to her Father. 
The Lord has not always answered my prayers in the way I necessarily wanted. But my trust in Him that he will do what’s best for me is unbreakable. Little over three years ago our family was tested in a way we had never expected. My grandpa got extremely sick, hospital visits daily, and specialized doctor appointments. We all fasted and prayed multiple times on his behalf asking the Lord to heal him, renew his strength and let his body recover. But even after prayers, blessings, and much fasting he never improved. Our hearts were softened and our prayers changed to accept the Father’s will. Within a day Grandpa joined his awaiting angels on the other side. That experience didn’t end the way any of us wanted in the beginning, but our family is so much closer now, and our testimonies of the Plan of Salvation have grown immensely.
“Prayer is not just a device for communication like a telephone to Heaven. It is the actual channel through which the POWER of God flows.” I know Heavenly Father listens to us, he hears us, and he wants to talk to us, But it is up to us to make that decision to go to Him. One of my favorite primary hymn is, A Child’s Prayer. I would like to recite the words for you.
Heavenly Father are you really there? And do you listen and answer every child’s prayer? Some say that Heaven is far away, but I feel it close around me as I pray. Heavenly Father I remember now, something that Jesus told disciples long ago, suffer the children to come to me Father in prayer I’m coming now to thee.
Pray he is there, speak he is listening you are his child his love now surrounds you. He hears your prayers he loves the children, of such is the kingdom the kingdom of Heaven.
I know without a doubt in my mind that prayer is real; I have seen the power of God in my life throughout prayers. I know He listens to us, and that He is there for whatever we may need. I challenge you to go to your Savior not only when things get tough but when you are taken care of. If we only prayed when we needed his help, we are only ordering Him to bless us; instead we need to pray to him when times seem easier and thank Him for what he has blessed us with. I have a testimony…
Remember to bless those who may be missing baby Jesus especially at this time of year. I’m so grateful for that perfect child that was born in a manger. He saved my life, and loves me for who I am, even if I am not perfect. He knows me, and I love Him. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 

I was asked to speak for 18-22 minutes, and I spoke for 21 =) Big girl talks here I come ;) haha


We have the trees up, the lights on the house...
but something is missing...
Goodness gracious it's December 19 and there is no snow!!! Christmas is in 6 days, we need some snow... Please!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

12 days of Christmas!

This year I decided to try something new. The 12 days of Christmas. =) All of these are to Jared Crockett!

Each day consists of a gift that will help Jared on his mission. Oh boy! What a project this turned into. I haven't been good at getting pictures of each day, but here is day number one.
Refills to his scripture marking pencil. =)
Day 2: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and chapstick. Got to keep the smile bright and healthy, it catches the eye =)
Day 3: Razors. Missionary can't have facial hair, so 8 new razors should come in handy =)
Day 4: Dress socks! Can't have cold feet ;) haha New church socks to wear out!
Day 5: Journal and Pens! A new journal with the Salt Lake Temple on the cover, and a package of 8 new pens to write with. Have to write lots on your mission to remember those special moments of growth when you are 90 years old!
Day 6: Hymn Book. A pocket size hymn book with 'Elder Crockett' written on the cover. Loved this one!!!
Day 7: Temple Picture. President Hinckley challenged us a few years ago to have in every single bedroom a picture of the temple. It keeps us focused on our goals, and the things we are striving for. So I gave Jared a gorgeous picture of the Manti temple. He can hang it in his room now, and take it with him on his mission if he wants to.
Day 8: Joseph Smith Quote Book. The book Stand a Little Taller by Gordon B. Hinckley was my goal, but it is no longer in print, so the second best one I could find was a quote book from Joseph Smith. A quote/thought for every day of the year. 365 scriptures, and testimonies of Joseph Smith. It's a great one!
Day 9: Two new Ties. Jared has been wanting a couple new ties, so I took on the challenge. For those of you who know my dad, he is very very picky when it comes to his ties. But girls are the same when it comes to their shoes, or jewelry, so I can't say anything. Well I found a purple tie that's striped with black and gray (goose picked it out) and we all fell in love with that one. I also found a pink one. We will see how much of a real man Jared is, everyone says it takes a real man to wear pink! ;) haha he will enjoy them!
That's all the gifts I have given so far. He gets one every other day starting on December 1st, so I will post more when they get to him. Can't spoil any surprises! =)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time of Giving...

A few years ago I started making teddy bears for fun, well they have been sitting in the closet under boxes for way too long now. It's time those bears are stuffed, sewed, and given a home... So a week of needle work, ribbons, and lots of stuffing began. But of course you can't work without having some fun. =)
Jared and I worked on them in our pajamas early one morning, and Santa decided to join us. =) haha My mom helped me finish a few of them, and look how cute they ended out to be!!!!
17 homemade bears went to Primary Children's Hospital. I unfortunately couldn't deliever them in person (for health protection) but the hospital was very grateful, and I know those children will be so grateful when they receive a warm little teddy bear to help them through their rough journey on Christmas morning, in a place nobody wants to spend Christmas Day, the hospital. But maybe one of these bears will bring a smile. I was very humbled to do this, and can't wait to do it again! Merry Christmas strong children of God. Don't give up on your rough journey, it will be worth it in the end, keep your unfailing faith. We pray for you.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Fashion!

Jared and I had a fun fashion show so you could say. I showed off the scarf, and he showed off the snow =) Look at scoops!

Christmas is coming! I'm so excited. =)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

All Aboard!

My mom's favorite Christmas movie is Polar Express! We watch it countless times during the Christmas season. It's so cute! Well this year we brought the movie to life. That's all I will say...

Our pajama party, with popcorn, hot chocolate, and of course the Polar Express movie itself wouldn't have been the same without Uncle Dwayne! He made the train ride real! Riley (Jessie's little girl in the second picture) said to Dwayne, "I saw you in the movie." He did a great job! =)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Festival of lights

Each year everyone knows we go to the festival of lights, but the new route, and LED lights are something to see that's new this year. This new Ballerina is my favorite! Isn't she cute?
Now we can dance the lights of Christmas into our lives.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The dreaded finals...

It's finals week, and oh my goodness let me just say, I think my brain is going to explode for all the studying!!! My time consists of, books, homework, books, more homework, books... I barely have time to eat, but I hope things turn out good. Wish me luck!
Maybe I don't have time to eat, because the kitchen table has turned into a college study corner. haha good times...can't wait for the table to be clean, and books to be sold... Let's do it!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Man alive it's been YEARS since I had the opportunity to throw flour in Kaleb's hair, and make a mess while cooking a family treat. This year we (Kevin, Judy, and Mike's Family) got to "break in" Dwayne and Judy's house. Flour was everywhere! But the mess was so worth the fun and ending results.

Thanks so much for the laughs, mess, and treats! It was so worth the years I have missed. Love you all!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving this year was absolutely terrific! A few different traditions came about this year. We (my family and I) went to Aunt Judy's house for breakfast, so delicious and watched football on their 70 inch TV. Man alive that right there is life size! Afterwards we ate again at Aunt Janie's house. But my favorite part of Thanksgiving is carving the turkey with Uncle Parley. We do it every single year, and I feel so loved and appreciated when he waits for me to show up to cut the turkey. Dinner was delicious! So much food. Holy smoley! After eating we did beads, and watched football, but you can't forget we all took naps! After many slices of amazing pie (pecan) for sure, it was time for Uncle Parley and I to break the wish bone. =)
 Unfortunately every year I seem to loose, but I don't need to make wishes, my life is already exactly the way I want it to be! I am so blessed! After breaking the wish bone, we went home, and I had the opportunity to play Farkle (a dice game) with the Crockett family. I ended up taking 2nd place, and Jared took 1st. It was so much fun! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Girls Lunch Date!

Danielle came down (from BYU-I) for Thanksgiving break, and I got two hours to go to lunch with her! =) It was so much fun, catching up with her, and talking about our college lives. It's so crazy we have been friends for 19 years now, our friendship is eternal. I LOVE YOU GIRL!

Friday, November 11, 2011

God's miracles....

Seriously, God amazes me every single day. The beauty He creates for us to enjoy is breath taking. Look at this picture... Now words can describe...
Today made history, 11/11/11 but nothing compares to the beauty we experience everyday. I'm grateful for the simple beauties.

Monday, October 31, 2011

'10 Halloween

I hate Halloween. It's full of gross costumes, gore, and such dark wickedness. There just never seems to be anything pleasant about it. But this year changed those thoughts! We have the trunk or treat on our street each year, and the Madsen's are known for giving out our "famous" popcorn. Mom prepared this year by starting popping popcorn early, Sunday evening. Haha our house might permanently smell like popcorn. Well the kids came around, darling costumes! We had skunks that were tired and just sat in the middle of the street, horses that were so stinking cute, Lady Gaga (could have lived without her), Obama (no comment), and so much more. The tiny kids are my favorite. Cute, modest, and warm costumes. That's what Halloween should be all about. I was a butterfly Princess. =) Well after the trunk or treat I was glad to attend Prince Charming to a Halloween party full of movies, Phase 10, dancing, and treats. It was so much fun! I am so grateful for Halloween's like this one. It has been a very long time since I have enjoyed a Halloween night. Thanks to everyone!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Must be genetic...

My dad, all his brothers, and my sister love to ride motorcycles. It must be in their genes. Mom and I have too much anxiety to enjoy it, but here are some cool shots of their last ride before winter.
Uncle Greg
Uncle Jeff
Cousin Ryder (Greg son)
Luckily my dad and Caitlyn are not dare devils, yet at least, I hope they are all safe while they enjoy their hobby together. Looks like fun, but mom and I like watching football snuggled by the fire, drinking hot chocolate. =)

Monday, October 24, 2011


All summer long we have watched our little friend named Chuck grow up. He is adorable. We would go to wal-mart once a day just so we could drive by and see him. Chuck always brought a smile to our faces whenever we passed by. Well the little pumpkin patch down the street from wal-mart had Chuck outside for us to "pet". Isn't he cute???!!!!
We love Chuck!!! Cutest baby animal we have ever seen.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well Jared and I had two group dates on Saturday. Oh man it was fun. We started the day out with two games of bowling in Lehi with Tyson and Ashley, Brad and Caitlin, Jared and I. Our first game was not so great, second game was much better! We had so much fun, wearing our fashonable bowling shoes, laughing, and striking out!! Way fun day date. =)
Tyson and his date Ashley
Brad and his date Caitlin
 Me and my "little" brother, who is much much taller than me =)
Me and my best friend. =) Jared!
Bowling was great, thanks Jared for the date, and Tyson for letting us join your group! It was a blast. After bowling we had my cousin Sam and her date Cole come over to my house. We made cookies, had ice cream and watched Tangled. It was a great day! =)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Special Birthdays

October special birthdays include:
Danielle Drager (2nd): I love and miss you girl. Hope college in BYU-I is going great. I can't wait to see you when you come to visit. Keep in touch. Loves!
Grandpa Madsen (3rd): Happy Birthday to my guardian angel. I am so grateful for you, and the wonderful memories we shared, and continue to share. Hope this one was wonderful. We love you!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I love conference weekend. I am so grateful for the spirit, knowledge, love, and guidance we receive from the servants of the Lord through music, prayers, or talks. The talks were wonderful, and so many answers to my own personal questions came through this weekend of inspired words. I am so grateful for our prophet, and the gospel in my life. I am so very excited for the new Provo Tabernacle Temple it's going to be beautiful. The gospel is spreading, and the love is deepening. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father and his plan of Happiness. I am blessed to be a part of it. God loves us. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Double Date

Jared and I:
Cassie and Jason:
We went up Sundance to ride the ski lift and look at the gorgeous seasonal leaves. We had so much fun. We had a picnic afterwards. Look how pretty!

It was so beautiful the weather was great, and we had so much fun!
Cassie and I were friends back in 6th grade. We ran into each other after 5 years at college. It's great to get back in contact with her, and to have such a fun afternoon. I had a great time. Happy late birthday to me. =)

Aspen Grove 6 years later....

Jared and I met 6 years ago this past summer. Our first "real" get together was youth conference at Aspen Grove. We took pictures way back when, and we took updated pictures just a few weeks ago. Look how fun! (I wish I had the pictures from 6 years ago, but we don't have a scanner.... sorry everyone)

We had so much fun reliving the memories that seemed just yesterday. Man alive time flies!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A true Champion!

Tyson raced at MMHS and we were there to scream as loud as we could for our dear friend. He made a PR that day 17:51 for a three mile! It would have taken me nearly 17 days and 51 minutes to do three miles. Haha I hate running. Way to go TYSON!!! We are so proud of you! Good luck at Cedar City. =)

Orem vs Springville!

We went to the tigers vs the devils game up in Orem. Katelyn squared, Caitlyn and I had a great time with Everett, Garret, and many new people we met.

This was a very exciting game. We had tons of fun screaming, laughing, eating, and just being girls. Congrats tigers on winning by one point in the last 10 seconds of the game.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Eagle Scout!

The best Eagle Court of Honor I have ever been to. Jared received his Eagle, and the program was incredible. Holly, the live golden eagle, taught us of strength, love, courage, and endurance. It was so neat to see Holly in person and up close. She was incredible. Jared got to take some pictures near her. (it's a felony to touch her) anyway I hope to get those pictures updated soon. I am so proud of you Jared! Great job on getting your Eagle!!

But today was another amazing and great milestone for Jared. He was ordained an ELDER! He received the Melchizedek Priesthood today. His light has changed, he is ready for a mission. =) 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm nineteen!

Everyone today I am so close to getting out of the teenage years. I am so excited. I had my family birthday dinner at Brick Oven and look at the new cream soda my sister got. It's my favorite color! Red, ENGINE RED!!
They sang happy birthday. Humiliating haha but to make things even more embarrassing I had to stand on my chair! Look at me... Oh my!
Well nothing else exciting happened for my birthday. It was quite the normal day. One year older. New adventures to have, and new trials to endure. Happy birthday to me...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Moose gave mom a huge surprise for her birthday. Look what happened to mom's birthday cake...
While we were outside enjoying the gorgeous weather, moose jumped onto the counter and licked all the frosting off mom's carrot cake. That cat is surely gonna die from a Diabetic Coma. Goodness!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mom's Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My sweet mom is the best. I am so very grateful for every tiny thing she does. The last week while she was gone I "played" the role of mom, and she does a lot more than I have ever given her credit for! So we went to dinner for her birthday at her favorite restaurant. Can you guess?

Mom I love you! Happy birthday!!!