Sunday, December 18, 2011

12 days of Christmas!

This year I decided to try something new. The 12 days of Christmas. =) All of these are to Jared Crockett!

Each day consists of a gift that will help Jared on his mission. Oh boy! What a project this turned into. I haven't been good at getting pictures of each day, but here is day number one.
Refills to his scripture marking pencil. =)
Day 2: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and chapstick. Got to keep the smile bright and healthy, it catches the eye =)
Day 3: Razors. Missionary can't have facial hair, so 8 new razors should come in handy =)
Day 4: Dress socks! Can't have cold feet ;) haha New church socks to wear out!
Day 5: Journal and Pens! A new journal with the Salt Lake Temple on the cover, and a package of 8 new pens to write with. Have to write lots on your mission to remember those special moments of growth when you are 90 years old!
Day 6: Hymn Book. A pocket size hymn book with 'Elder Crockett' written on the cover. Loved this one!!!
Day 7: Temple Picture. President Hinckley challenged us a few years ago to have in every single bedroom a picture of the temple. It keeps us focused on our goals, and the things we are striving for. So I gave Jared a gorgeous picture of the Manti temple. He can hang it in his room now, and take it with him on his mission if he wants to.
Day 8: Joseph Smith Quote Book. The book Stand a Little Taller by Gordon B. Hinckley was my goal, but it is no longer in print, so the second best one I could find was a quote book from Joseph Smith. A quote/thought for every day of the year. 365 scriptures, and testimonies of Joseph Smith. It's a great one!
Day 9: Two new Ties. Jared has been wanting a couple new ties, so I took on the challenge. For those of you who know my dad, he is very very picky when it comes to his ties. But girls are the same when it comes to their shoes, or jewelry, so I can't say anything. Well I found a purple tie that's striped with black and gray (goose picked it out) and we all fell in love with that one. I also found a pink one. We will see how much of a real man Jared is, everyone says it takes a real man to wear pink! ;) haha he will enjoy them!
That's all the gifts I have given so far. He gets one every other day starting on December 1st, so I will post more when they get to him. Can't spoil any surprises! =)