Monday, October 31, 2011

'10 Halloween

I hate Halloween. It's full of gross costumes, gore, and such dark wickedness. There just never seems to be anything pleasant about it. But this year changed those thoughts! We have the trunk or treat on our street each year, and the Madsen's are known for giving out our "famous" popcorn. Mom prepared this year by starting popping popcorn early, Sunday evening. Haha our house might permanently smell like popcorn. Well the kids came around, darling costumes! We had skunks that were tired and just sat in the middle of the street, horses that were so stinking cute, Lady Gaga (could have lived without her), Obama (no comment), and so much more. The tiny kids are my favorite. Cute, modest, and warm costumes. That's what Halloween should be all about. I was a butterfly Princess. =) Well after the trunk or treat I was glad to attend Prince Charming to a Halloween party full of movies, Phase 10, dancing, and treats. It was so much fun! I am so grateful for Halloween's like this one. It has been a very long time since I have enjoyed a Halloween night. Thanks to everyone!