Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time of Giving...

A few years ago I started making teddy bears for fun, well they have been sitting in the closet under boxes for way too long now. It's time those bears are stuffed, sewed, and given a home... So a week of needle work, ribbons, and lots of stuffing began. But of course you can't work without having some fun. =)
Jared and I worked on them in our pajamas early one morning, and Santa decided to join us. =) haha My mom helped me finish a few of them, and look how cute they ended out to be!!!!
17 homemade bears went to Primary Children's Hospital. I unfortunately couldn't deliever them in person (for health protection) but the hospital was very grateful, and I know those children will be so grateful when they receive a warm little teddy bear to help them through their rough journey on Christmas morning, in a place nobody wants to spend Christmas Day, the hospital. But maybe one of these bears will bring a smile. I was very humbled to do this, and can't wait to do it again! Merry Christmas strong children of God. Don't give up on your rough journey, it will be worth it in the end, keep your unfailing faith. We pray for you.