Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Adventures 2011

Summer is full of fun, and vacations right? Well not mine. I have been working 45 or more hours a week, and I stay plenty busy. I love it though. I have wonderful friends with whom I work with, and I love cleaning for the couples that I do. I have grown to love them all so much. I have been taking care of Toby lately. Cute cute dog! He is deaf, but yes I do still talk to him. =) Well this past week I took care of Toby and here is his schedule...
Breakfast: Oatmeal, and block of cheese
Lunch: Baby food mixes (meat, and veggies), and a handful of hard dog food
Dinner: Can of soft dog food and two treats
It's so fun taking care of him. I know it's very time consuming and sometimes frustrating but he is so sweet, and I love him. Well that's the work parts of my summer,  now for the fun and relaxing times of my summer. I have read some amazing books this summer. Hunger Games! Totally recommend the series. Such great books they keep you reading til late hours of the night. =) I am reading Maze Runner right now, and hope it turns out to be half as good as Hunger Games. Well along with books comes movies. I went and saw Soul Surfer, the documentary of the girl who's arm got bitten off by a shark while surfing, I have to say it was a great movie, and is one of my all time favorites now. It was outstanding! Also this summer I have been developing some of my talents. I have learned 5 new songs on the piano, and I am still learning more. I love playing, it's time to release emotion, and think. I have been stitching as well. Man alive I stay busy with families. There are so many people who love them, and I just wish I was faster, but thank goodness they are understanding and very patient with me. Well that's a little about my summer so far. I stay busy, but life is great! Love you all, thanks for reading.