Thursday, June 30, 2011

Endless Treasures...

Can I just say I have the bestest friends in the whole world??? As you all know I love butterflies, well Jared went to Peru for 10 days doing a humanitarian project, and to my surprise he brought me back two beautiful gifts...
Here is the pair of beautiful earrings Jared gave me. They are dolphins. Love them!
This isn't from Jared, but it's from Sister Calder. It's a gorgeous butterfly light. I love it, so pretty.
Now these are my favorite favorite favorite. It's five (real) butterflies. Each one is unique, and has it's own beauty. Jared got them in Peru, and about didn't make it home with it crossing the border. I am so grateful for them, and I love them. Thank you Jared!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Madsen Zoo!

Duke is the funniest cat ever. He was locked up in the night so when he was let out in the morning he decided to have some fun. Between Duke and Moose the screen to the window was knocked out. Haha next the flying bird came through the house and down the stairs. Duke cornered it. Mom chased the bird and tried to save the poor thing, but Duke basically did enough damage to hurt the poor thing. Mom caught the bird and took it across the street into the field. we have no idea what happened to it, but Duke sure had a big stomach today, maybe he did eat the poor bird. Feathers everywhere throughout the house, and one tired mama. Thanks Duke for the good morning zoo.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Owlz Game!

It's always been fun to go to the Owlz games and enjoy a good game of baseball. We love baseball! Here are a few pictures of us in the heat, enjoying the game. =)

I love the sun, games, and fun at the baseball games, yes even the whoow whoow man yelling in the crowd haha =) good times!

Summer is here!

You know summer is here when it's finally time to show off your toes. =) My sister and I love sandals, every year we each get 2 pairs of new shoes, and luckily this year we fit in the same shoe for the most part so we can share. But with sandals comes showing your toes, so of course we have weekly pedicures. We love taking the time to paint and decorate each others toes.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Adventures 2011

Summer is full of fun, and vacations right? Well not mine. I have been working 45 or more hours a week, and I stay plenty busy. I love it though. I have wonderful friends with whom I work with, and I love cleaning for the couples that I do. I have grown to love them all so much. I have been taking care of Toby lately. Cute cute dog! He is deaf, but yes I do still talk to him. =) Well this past week I took care of Toby and here is his schedule...
Breakfast: Oatmeal, and block of cheese
Lunch: Baby food mixes (meat, and veggies), and a handful of hard dog food
Dinner: Can of soft dog food and two treats
It's so fun taking care of him. I know it's very time consuming and sometimes frustrating but he is so sweet, and I love him. Well that's the work parts of my summer,  now for the fun and relaxing times of my summer. I have read some amazing books this summer. Hunger Games! Totally recommend the series. Such great books they keep you reading til late hours of the night. =) I am reading Maze Runner right now, and hope it turns out to be half as good as Hunger Games. Well along with books comes movies. I went and saw Soul Surfer, the documentary of the girl who's arm got bitten off by a shark while surfing, I have to say it was a great movie, and is one of my all time favorites now. It was outstanding! Also this summer I have been developing some of my talents. I have learned 5 new songs on the piano, and I am still learning more. I love playing, it's time to release emotion, and think. I have been stitching as well. Man alive I stay busy with families. There are so many people who love them, and I just wish I was faster, but thank goodness they are understanding and very patient with me. Well that's a little about my summer so far. I stay busy, but life is great! Love you all, thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's Day

 This is my daddy with his "little" girls. We are growing up so fast it's crazy. This year for fathers day I gave my dad a book. If you have never read the book pictured below it's a must!
I am so grateful for my sweet dad. He has done so much for me throughout my life. I have countless memories with him, and I am so grateful for them all. His father watches over us through the veil, and we give great thanks for his spirit protecting and comforting us. My mom's sweet dad has battled cancer for one year. He has unfailing faith, and continues to fight hard. But to all of us we have our Heavenly Father. He loves us more than we can ever comprehend. He blesses us, listens to us, and helps us through the tough times. He love us all.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mama Training...

My mom is the yard sale QUEEN! I mean she can make money off of nothing. It's the craziest thing. We are so alike. My mom definitately gave her "the organizing" gene. We both love sorting, and organizing things. We spent two weeks organizing the house, and we found stuff to price for the yard sale. Dad and Caitlyn are funny. They dread the yard sale so while we load up tables with marked items of junk, they are loading the trailer with the four-wheelers and motorcycle. We spent all day today selling stuff, and man alive we made good money. It's a tradition that mom and I have, that will continue for many many years. Mom I love spending those cold morning, and hot afternoons worrying about the car getting a ticket while parked on Main Street for too long. =) I love you.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Lonely Week...

My sister went to girls camp this past week. And let me tell you how much I missed her. I woke up in the mornings and didn't have anyone to sing with me while getting ready. I didn't have her opinion on my outfits for the day, so I ended up mostly wearing T-shirts. I watched TV and imagined her little jokes about each stupid commercial I watched. It was the loneliest week of my life. I had no best friend to talk to, no sister to stay up late laying on the couch talking, and no sister to laugh with. Caitlyn, I missed you and am so so so glad you are home!!! I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All About Me...

After filling out "all about me" sheets in the singles ward I have thought a lot about how much I have changed since I started my blog. So here are a few fun facts about myself.
Color: Fire Engine Red
Fruit: Apples, Avacados
Song: Who Says by Selena Gomez
Movie: Ultimate Gift, Tangled
Book: Too many to choose. I am a bookworm
Quote: 'If nothing changed there'd be no butterflies'
Hymn: Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
Game: Phase 10 Twist, Clue
TV Show: The Voice, Biggest Loser
Piano, Organ
Quoting Movie Lines
I love jeans and  rings.
I always have a clean car.
I love my toes.
Butterflies are one of God's prettiest creations.
I have a testimony of the gospel.
I have the best parents in the world, who I love dearly.
I have the cutest little sister anyone could ask for.
God created best friends because He knew our mothers couldn't handle us as siblings.

There is a little about me. =) I have so many dreams, and goals in life. It's so fun to have it starting. I am so grateful to be me. One of a kind. =)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friends Wedding!

Man alive I have been out of high school for almost 4 weeks and things are changing so fast. 90% of my guy friends have their missions calls, and some have already left. Many have moved out and have started summer semesters of college. And look at my darling friend Stephanie, married! It's changing so fast, and it's so fun!
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Dustin Porter. Best of wishes to you both. =)

Friday, June 10, 2011


Well it's that time of year again when Art City Days rolls around. Of course lots of good food, boutiques, and can't forget the rides. Look at these darling pictures of my cute cousins and I riding the Ferris wheel, and their rides. Caitlyn & Katelyn squared look pretty freaking cute to. =)

Totally the cutest kids in the world with me right there. Thank you so much for the fun fun night. =)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Long Lasting Friendships

Danielle Drager, and I are 17 days apart. We have grown up together. We took our first steps together, nursery, kindergarten-4th grade. We played everyday of the year together, and of course we moved. Well she was off to Santaquin, and we moved to Springville. We have kept in touch through the years, and are still best of friends. She moves out in one month to attend BYU-I and I wish her the best. I am so happy for her, and hope she calls me the moment she gets engaged. ;) which will be soon. haha

Well we enjoyed watching one of my favorite movies, Beauty and the Beast a Latter-day Tale. We stayed up really late talking, and laughing. Look at us. All grown up. I love ya Nelly. =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hairless cat...

Moose had quite the experience. It seems every year when we take him to get shaved he hates the car ride more than the actual haircut and bath. He hollered the whole way up to Orem. Once we got there I took him inside. The lady looked Moose over and asked if he had any heart murmurs I said, "no not that we know of, but I may have one now. haha" I was covered in hair. It was funny. Well Moose was left to Lisa (the groomer) she had her hands full. =) We went back out to the car, and to my surprise Moose had left a little treat in my car. Well we know his bladder was empty for Lisa, it was all over my floor mat in the back seat. We had a cleaning job to do. After four hours he came home. Lisa said his favorite part was the bath. A cat loving the water??? Weird... Look at him now, our little lion. =)
As you can tell by his facial expression he is still embarrassed, but he loves it. Now bathing for him is not as long, or useless. We love you Moose, and don't let Duke laugh at you anymore.