Saturday, April 30, 2011


Super cross was outstanding! We had so much fun piling the kids in the car, eating dinner at Spaghetti Factory, and freezing together in the stands. Unfortunately Stewart (the one we wanted to win) wrecked and lost his place. It was a close race! Congrats #2 on the big win. Good luck riders in Vegas next weekend!!

 Here is the track! Getting ready for the big races.
The family took up 4 rows! Madsen's dedicated fans??? You better believe it!!
Goose, Dad, and me. =)

We were cheering loud, we saw the Turner kids there =) Look how adorable Broc is cheering on his Honda rider!!
The excitement getting to all of us! The trolley was packed. We had Madsen roll call on the trolley. There was a lot of us! It was a great great night. =)