Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Caitlyn!!

Many people know I love planning surprises! I always have some kind or surprise going on. I helped plan my darling "little" sister's party. I don't know if  you can call her my little sister anymore, because she is taller than me, and not mention she is gorgeous!! We threw her a party for her 15th birthday, and here are some pictures.
This is the birthday girl looking so cute at every moment. Look how photogenic she is! I love you Caitlyn.
Jared is so outstanding! He is such a fun person to be around. He dove for the candy that came out of the hideous pinata. =) It was fantastic to watch. Don't you worry everybody got enough candy to last a year! If you want more come to my house. Haha Great job Tyson for finishing off the pinata! We were all waiting for the moment she would die, and not come back. =) Great times!
Talk about some great friends! She got tons of presents. Lots of candy, Dr. Pepper, cute purse, nail polish, and she even got a ROCK. Haha that was awesome! Caitlyn, the friends you had at the party are all friends who respect, love, and enjoy you. Stay close to them, because they are GREAT!
Can't forget having fun around the fire! We roasted smores, startbursts, pizza and even tootsie rolls. =) It was so much fun. I love talking with my best friend around a campfire. Hopefully many more memories to come around campfires. =)
Happy Birthday Caitlyn! I hope every part of your day was great. Yes you did wake up to a decorated bathroom, you knew about the surprise party, and we had a great time playing at the park. But even though it's over I want you to remember that no matter what we do on birthdays, people still love you. I am so grateful to have you as my sister, and to learn and grow closer to you each day. I love this picture of you with moose. It reminds me of the movie Tangled. The part where Flinn tries to do a smolder. I think Moose nailed it! Look at his face... it says, "How you doing?" Haha I LOVE YOU GOOSE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!