Saturday, April 30, 2011


Super cross was outstanding! We had so much fun piling the kids in the car, eating dinner at Spaghetti Factory, and freezing together in the stands. Unfortunately Stewart (the one we wanted to win) wrecked and lost his place. It was a close race! Congrats #2 on the big win. Good luck riders in Vegas next weekend!!

 Here is the track! Getting ready for the big races.
The family took up 4 rows! Madsen's dedicated fans??? You better believe it!!
Goose, Dad, and me. =)

We were cheering loud, we saw the Turner kids there =) Look how adorable Broc is cheering on his Honda rider!!
The excitement getting to all of us! The trolley was packed. We had Madsen roll call on the trolley. There was a lot of us! It was a great great night. =)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A priceless night...

It's that time again, where you get fancied up, and dance the night away with someone special. Luckily for me that was my best friend. I will post pictures we got done by Jared's sweet mom when I receive them, but until then here are just some quick shots throughout the night...
 Getting ready. Jared had to endure the amounts of hairspray, and the fun of getting the hair done. He left shortly after this picture to get ready himself, and then when he came back I looked like this...
I matched from head to toe. =) 
 I felt like a princess, and the night was priceless. I can't thank Jared enough for the wonderful time, great food, laughs, and life long memories. Thank you Jared!!!

Stay tuned for group pictures, and singles with Jared. =)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Caitlyn!!

Many people know I love planning surprises! I always have some kind or surprise going on. I helped plan my darling "little" sister's party. I don't know if  you can call her my little sister anymore, because she is taller than me, and not mention she is gorgeous!! We threw her a party for her 15th birthday, and here are some pictures.
This is the birthday girl looking so cute at every moment. Look how photogenic she is! I love you Caitlyn.
Jared is so outstanding! He is such a fun person to be around. He dove for the candy that came out of the hideous pinata. =) It was fantastic to watch. Don't you worry everybody got enough candy to last a year! If you want more come to my house. Haha Great job Tyson for finishing off the pinata! We were all waiting for the moment she would die, and not come back. =) Great times!
Talk about some great friends! She got tons of presents. Lots of candy, Dr. Pepper, cute purse, nail polish, and she even got a ROCK. Haha that was awesome! Caitlyn, the friends you had at the party are all friends who respect, love, and enjoy you. Stay close to them, because they are GREAT!
Can't forget having fun around the fire! We roasted smores, startbursts, pizza and even tootsie rolls. =) It was so much fun. I love talking with my best friend around a campfire. Hopefully many more memories to come around campfires. =)
Happy Birthday Caitlyn! I hope every part of your day was great. Yes you did wake up to a decorated bathroom, you knew about the surprise party, and we had a great time playing at the park. But even though it's over I want you to remember that no matter what we do on birthdays, people still love you. I am so grateful to have you as my sister, and to learn and grow closer to you each day. I love this picture of you with moose. It reminds me of the movie Tangled. The part where Flinn tries to do a smolder. I think Moose nailed it! Look at his face... it says, "How you doing?" Haha I LOVE YOU GOOSE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two Years Stronger...

Well my babies are ready to leave the nest. I have mixed emotions. I have loved watching them grow, and develop. It's funny to see their personalities. Each one is different. The weather has been risky, but I decided to dedicate them to my Grandpa. So we went to grandpa's grave site to let the butterflies free.

Some of the butterflies stayed to say "goodbye" and that was sweet. I loved seeing them take flight in the world for once. It was so fun to see them fly around as fast as they could and then they would come back. They didn't go far. It was so sweet to see that they stayed close by grandpa's grave.
Grandma the picture above has a significant meaning. The butterfly taking flight off my finger was incredible. It's hard to say goodbye at first, but look at the joy and blessings that will come once we are reunited. We have to have the faith to take the first step through the mud, before Christ can meet us to clean us off.

Whitney, Grandpa, and others who have passed on to the other side. Thank you for the love and support I feel from you each and everyday. I am so grateful for the special blessing of guardian angels. Their power is incredible! God knows every process and creation, He knows all the tiny details to make everything work properly. Have faith in Him. Go to Him. He is waiting with open arms to embrace you, all you have to do is trust He is there...

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Gorgeous Family!

I have to say we look amazing. The photographer did a great job, or we just are amazing. Haha no they turned out great. Thanks aunt Kim for the gift card for Christmas. Our home needs an updated GOOD family picture to hang up.

I am so grateful for my family. They have always been there. We laugh, cry, and grow together. Life is about learning, and it's great to learn with them. To have somewhere to go is home, to have someone to love is family, to have both is a blessing. I am so grateful for my beautiful mom. She does so much for me. Thank you for your support and love. Daddy, you are so great. I love our talks in the car, even if I am on high doses of pain meds and swollen cheeks. You always make my day. Caitlyn, You are the best sister I could have ever asked for. I know we have our moments, but we are very close. I love getting ready in the bathroom in the mornings with you, singing at the top of our lungs to the radio. Life doesn't get much better than this. <3 I love you!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Big Moment!!!

It's here, they are here!! The cocoons have finally awakened and arose as beautiful bright orange butterflies. It's so fun! These little painted ladies have quite the personalities. =)
It's so cute. I took them in the car just the other day because I couldn't find Duke and can't trust him with them. I have to keep watch...
They absolutely love me. I put my hand in to feed them each morning, and look what happens. =)
They get so excited when the sun comes out in the morning, and when mom turns on the light. They love to fly around when it's warm. They have been so exciting to watch, and fun to learn so much about. I hope the weather warms up in the next few days so they can enjoy some freedom. They definitely are my babies. =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

uTaH wEaThEr...

Yes yesterday it was 71 degrees here in Mapleton, UT. But this morning this is what we woke up to. =) NO!! Not 6-8 inches of snow... I want springtime... Flowers want to wake up, birds want to sing, and the snow plows want to rest. Snowtime is not in April.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I have now lost my wisdom....

Finally the dreaded wisdom teeth surgery is over. I got my amazing IV bruise to prove it. I won't post a picture of my chipmunk cheeks, but I am bruised and swollen. I am very glad it's over. I have had many visitors, lots of movies, and ice cream, and lots of cards. Thank you everyone!

I am recovering quickly, and am so glad it's only once in a lifetime thing. Don't want to do it again. =)