Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nursing or Aesthetics???

All my life I have planned on going to Mississippi to go to Nursing school, but I have received an unsure answer that this is the right decision... I have now been thrown the option of Aesthetics school. I didn't know what to do, so I did what any person, who is confused, would do... I made a list. A list of pro's and con's for each career choice. This is what I have come up with.
           Pro: medicine is always improving, serving others, interaction with many individuals, wide range of options in the medical field as a nurse, good money, promising jobs
           Con: No holidays (someone is ALWAYS sick), bad hours (late nights, work Sundays), drama with patients and co-workers due to the trauma you work with, renew your license every 5 years due to improvements within medical field, hard to work and have small children (when I am a mother), can't work in my own home, competitive and very expensive!
         Pro: work in my own home, good hours, good money, short schooling (receive my Master's in 10 months), many job opportunities, lots of great skills, help people build their self-esteem, don't work Sundays or nights, Holidays off, huge range of clients (many ages), professional but it's fun like a hobby, easy to work with a young family, close to home (schooling in Utah instead of Mississippi), set schedule, great experience and fun environment.
         Con: Expensive

So with that list of Pro's and Con's I have lots to consider. I have been on my knees in deep prayer a lot lately. I hope to receive some answers soon. I will keep you updated with my decision. Thanks!