Monday, February 13, 2012

Undescribable Trials....

Faith is the essential tool in our everyday lives. We MUST have it to endure the hardships we face. I look at my life and the experiences I have had and am grateful for them. It's hard to be grateful when a trial presents itself at your door to welcome it in and invite it to make itself at home, but I have learned it's easier this way. Grandpa Holiday has been sick for a while now, we are worried for his health. His heart attack left him exhausted and weak, and now he is back in the hospital. Uncle Parley had a minor stroke which I am grateful to say he is just fine. Amy has had a adorable baby (C-section) and had surgery to remove a tumor in her thyroid. I have had some problems with deciding what school to go to and I am just full of unanswered questions. But even with the newest trials I am facing Valentine's Day is tomorrow, I have so many people who love me, and I love them with all my heart! I know the Savior loves me, His love is perfect. It has no flaws. I do my best to follow Him and to show my love to Him. I am very grateful for my family, my friends (past, present and future friends) and I know that so many of my friends are eternal. Best Friends Forever!!!! I love you all! I pray for you all, in all the trials  you face, invite them in and be grateful for them no matter how hard it may seem. Life is a gift, let's be grateful. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Madsen Family Endless Projects!

Our house is always full of projects =) it's a great way that we all stay productive and strengthening our talents. Right now we have so many new projects. It's exciting! Mom has been working on taxes, (I'm sorry mom) but she has been my buddy! She decorated the house for Valentine's beautiful! We love spending time together. It's the best.

Dad has well the picture shows it...
 Isn't it huge?????!!! I can't even believe my eyes. This elk (doesn't have a name yet) is massive! Good job dad. Well the project turned into the Madsen Museum =)
We have Dad's bear and elk, Caitlyn's spike elk, Brooke's deer (yes I did shoot a deer everyone, maybe not ever again, but I shot that 2 by 3) and Dad's coyote, the elk skin was from years ago, but look at the Madsen Museum! We are here 24/7 and you don't need an appointment to get the full stories (with sound effects) and a night of fun! We love our home it has character (lots of characters!)
Next is Caitlyn's project haha she is darling. Her project was to get her older sister (me) to embarrass myself on camera. I was supposed to be obsessed with... oh no!
Justin Bieber has been hanging on our basement wall for a school project Cailtyn is working on. It has been quite the experience to have Bieber Fever in our house (at least for a few days). Thanks Caitlyn for making me laugh. Good luck on the project for school.
Now to my project... Oh goodness. I took a challenge to learn to cook. Everyone said I couldn't and that just makes me want to prove them wrong ;) haha so I did. Here we go!
My first dish I made was Manicotti.
Served with salad. It was approved by all the family =) thank goodness! Dish #1 was a very big success!
Dish #2 was Russian Chicken. Favorite by far! It was delicious. Served on rice, with a salad, and cottage cheese. My taste buds loved that treat! See everyone I can cook ;) I just need the recipe and the kitchen to myself. These hands of mine may be small but they have unlimited talents hidden. I can't wait to try the next ones. I will keep you all updated. =) Love you lots! Can't wait to blog about the next round of projects. Like I said, There is always something going on here at the Madsen's house.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mama's Football

My mom loves loves loves football! She might go into depression when it's over... But she got to meet Riley Nelson, the BYU quarterback. She had fun!
I love this following picture of my mom. Isn't she pretty???

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nursing or Aesthetics???

All my life I have planned on going to Mississippi to go to Nursing school, but I have received an unsure answer that this is the right decision... I have now been thrown the option of Aesthetics school. I didn't know what to do, so I did what any person, who is confused, would do... I made a list. A list of pro's and con's for each career choice. This is what I have come up with.
           Pro: medicine is always improving, serving others, interaction with many individuals, wide range of options in the medical field as a nurse, good money, promising jobs
           Con: No holidays (someone is ALWAYS sick), bad hours (late nights, work Sundays), drama with patients and co-workers due to the trauma you work with, renew your license every 5 years due to improvements within medical field, hard to work and have small children (when I am a mother), can't work in my own home, competitive and very expensive!
         Pro: work in my own home, good hours, good money, short schooling (receive my Master's in 10 months), many job opportunities, lots of great skills, help people build their self-esteem, don't work Sundays or nights, Holidays off, huge range of clients (many ages), professional but it's fun like a hobby, easy to work with a young family, close to home (schooling in Utah instead of Mississippi), set schedule, great experience and fun environment.
         Con: Expensive

So with that list of Pro's and Con's I have lots to consider. I have been on my knees in deep prayer a lot lately. I hope to receive some answers soon. I will keep you updated with my decision. Thanks!