Sunday, April 22, 2012


Today has been an amazing day for all of us. It's so great to have Caitlyn in our lives. 16 years ago I was given the cutest little sister ever! I am so grateful for the friendship, memories, inside jokes, and countless opportunities we have had to share together. I love spending time with you Caitlyn, I wouldn't trade you for anyone, or anything. You are seriously the best sister I could ask for, and I am so grateful to have you in my life! We did a family party on her birthday. It started out with opening gifts early in the morning... I decided to a theme of elephants (Goose's favorite animal..) See! hahaha

But that wasn't the end of the gifts... Here comes the surprise...
Goose's Car! Isn't it cute??? Yeah I agree, it needs one final touch...
Now it's perfect!!! =) Cutest girl in the drivers seat makes it that much cuter! Well after church we had the family over, and here are some of the fun pictures from the night.
 Elephant Cake!
She made a wish! =) Happy birthday to Goose! I hope you had a great day. I love you so much, but we all love you so much to =) Happy Sweet Sixteen!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cake Adventures!

James and I decided to take an adventure this weekend. We had no idea what we were getting our hands into..... literally!
We had so much fun. It was great. We started out with this...
Next we added the sticks!
Then the chocolate on top.... and in our mouths haha =)
They look great! But man alive they tasted even better!!! Thanks James so much for your help. =)
While putting the chocolate covering on, look at what I did ;)
Oh yum! Too much sugar for one day though. Haha great times! Loved it all!! =) Hope Goose loves her cake pops and elephant cake! XOXOXOX

Speechlessly Gorgeous!

My little sister is not so little anymore... She is absolutely growing up WAY too fast (as of dad and mom). It's prom number one and here we start our adventures! Starting with the hair, make-up, and nails.
Next it was time to get her in the dress! Look at her...

We waited for Aaron and this is how we did it. =) haha good times!
Now boutineers! (May I mention it was the first time in my whole life I accomplished it!)
Aren't they just darling?! Look how cute!!!
Look at the group!
The beautiful girls!
Aaron, Caitlyn had a great time! She can't stop talking about it ;) haha Thanks for making her first date so special!!! Caitlyn, you looked stunning. Can't even explain it. I love you sister!!! XOXOX

Friday, April 20, 2012

Our little Gardener!

Mom loves flowers! I love her yard in the summers. It is absolutely beautiful! Here are the pots she made all by herself!!! Isn't she a pro?
Beautiful touch Mom! I love you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A long awaited envelope...

It's here! Everyone, Jared's mission call has finally arrived.
Elder Crockett is going to Honduras, San Pedro Sula Mission! He reports to the MTC here in Provo on June 20, 2012. WOW only 2 months to wait!!! That's so short compared to some other young men who get their calls and have to wait for 6 or more months. Way to go Jared!
Here is the map of the area. The darker gray section near the Caribbean Sea is the mission he will cover.
Spanish speaking mission! Congratulations Jared. I am so proud of you! You have my family's support 100%, and we will pray for you. Can't believe you have been called to serve in the most dangerous mission in the world right now. That just shows God knows you can do it! So proud of you!!! Return with Honor!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

We love and miss you in unmeasurable amounts, but we know that you are serving diligently as our guardian angel. All our love and thoughts.

It's been 3 years since Richard Ellis Madsen received his call to serve on the other side. He has touched our lives immensely through countless moments. We feel his presence more and more each day. I raise butterflies each year, and set them free at his grave each year. Here are some of the captured moments.

I raised 10 butterflies this year. One died in the cocoon, but we (mom, dad, and I) had the incredible opportunity witnessing a miracle. One of the cocoons fell off the roof. The cocoon must hang upside down so that when the caterpillar breaks the cocoon, gravity will pull its wings and help it develop into a beautiful butterfly. I didn't think the cocoon on the ground would survive. But to our amazement one day while sitting there we saw it burst out of the cocoon. It emerged. It's wings were 1/4 the size of it's body. Tiny, and folded up like a deck of cards. I took the butterfly and let it grab onto the side of the cage so gravity would pull it's wings. He didn't hang for long periods of time. I sat there and every time he fell down I picked him back up. I wanted him to understand that I was helping him, not hurting him or making things harder on him, but I was patient as I picked him up time and time again. He did alright. One wing (the side the cocoon was laying on) didn't develop as well, so we named him Nemo, due to his little wing.
I tried to set Nemo free, but he wasn't strong enough to fly, let alone live in the wild. So I took him home. He lived in the cage for about two more weeks until he joined grandpa on the other side =) He tried so hard, and now his wings are strong! I love my butterflies, they have such great meaning to me. I love my grandpa, and the things he taught me. I am so grateful for the lessons and talents he helped my dad gain. I love my Dad and know his Father taught him well. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father, for his tender mercies are such a blessing in my life. I know he lives, and loves me. His creatures all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Look at this butterfly.. Apparently he had to kiss me goodbye. =)
I love you all, pray for you all. Hope all is well, just remember God loves you! XOXOX

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Answering #2!

Caitlyn and I went to answer Tyson... Here we are!
The poem says:
Super-cross is cool,
but you really rule.
Since you died,
I'll bring you back and go with you instead. YES!

April 28, 2012 Caitlyn will be going to Lehi's prom with Tyson as well. Cute!!! Can't wait!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Up sides to a house of full of girls!

My dad lives in a house full of GIRLS! Haha he loves us all, but even with all the mood swings, boys, and drama around here there are up sides to living with girls. Look at our counter!!
I feel like we always have flowers. It's fun to have an inside garden! Mom loves the flowers that for sure. =)
Now maybe a down side to having a house of girls is the paycheck for these....

We are ready for Prom(s)!!! Here we go! Love you all XOXOX

Friday, March 30, 2012

Prom #2

THE NEXT DAY! Haha Tyson Raff came over and what do you know my dad killed him ;) haha JUST KIDDING. We did have a crime scene though.

Caution Tape in all the trees in the front yard, but it gets better....

This inside joke goes back so many memories ago! Way to go Tyson for coming up with that creative way ;) haha you did a great job! But we needed something personal and cute right? Look at this!!!
Caitlyn's favorite flower (Lily) and her favorite color (orange). Way to go Tyson! And of course a hand written, long letter. CUTE! Well Caitlyn you are one spoiled, lucky, and loved girl! Daddy better watch out! =)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prom #1

I listed this as Prom #1 because Caitlyn has been asked to TWO Proms this year. Goodness sake she is only a SOPHOMORE!! It's going to be crazy, and a great experience. I have been texting, arranging, and helping boys all week come over and ask her. Look how the first one went....
Is this not DARLING??? A message in a bottle! Oh goodness did I mention the young man wrote her name that way??? Can you believe it?!
Getting the message out of the bottle was killing us! We couldn't wait any longer ha ha. (My nails were wet and I didn't want to ruin the paper, I'm not scared of dirt you guys haha)
This is goose reading the poem!
The Poem said: (he wrote it himself)
I put a message in a bottle,
Threw it in an ocean wave,
No wind of sail to aid it's journey,
Just dancing on a restless sea.
A simple vessel made of glass,
Laid up upon the shore,
Inside was written an urgent plea,
Will you go to Prom with me?
                     ~Aaron C.

We had to answer fast! =) haha couldn't keep him waiting! So Caitlyn wrote the following poem:
I sent this message in a bottle,
To reply to thy urgent plea.
I threw it as far as I could,
Into the dancing sea.
Wishing with all my heart that it would reach thee,
Before times runs out for me,
To reply to thy urgent plea,
I would LOVE to go with thee. (YES!!!)

Look how many people helped answer!
Seems like the whole neighborhood, ward, and school knew that Aaron was going to ask Caitlyn, but luckily for everyone Caitlyn had no idea!!
We almost got caught! Aaron pulled into his driveway like thirty seconds after we walked across the street. Congratulations Caitlyn and Aaron I hope it's a blast!!