Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweetheart Group Pictures!

Group pictures finally arrived. =)

Who would have ever guessed that Danielle (in the gray sparkly dress) Chelsey (bright orange dress) and I would have gone to our senior sweetheart ball together. We all were best friends in 1st grade!!! Haha oh man years and years later we meet again. =) Good times, many laughs, and lots of fun!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Well talk about a great game! BYU had their work cut out for them. Hard refs, lots of fouls, and a horrible crowd. The mockery of the crowd was harsh. Many dressed up in shirts, ties, and bike helmets. Just like a missionary. Then they would yell and chant mean cheers against BYU well when we won the game 80 to 67 they learned the true feeling of getting up every morning putting on a shirt and tie, riding your bike door to door, and getting rejected! Way to go cougars for winning honestly! I am so proud of my BYU cougars!

OH and I can't forget my mom saying at least a million times, "GET THE REBOUND!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day 2011

 What more can a girl ask for??? A bouquet of bright orange flowers, letters, chocolates, memories, pictures, and not to mention a dozen roses from Brother Francis. He sent flowers for me taking the time to clean his house for their surprise while they are gone. I have to admit the beauty of flowers takes my breath. God's creations are beautiful, and the love behind them makes them even more beautiful. HAPPY VALENTINE'S EVERYONE! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3

Saturday, February 12, 2011


 See this adorable couple??? Well let's show you the night of my life! Here are pictures of sweethearts!
                                                                   Here is the dress!

                                                       There is me, being....well a princess =)
                      This handsome young man is my best friend, and my prince! Thank you Jared!!
                                     Bang bang bang. I think cupid struck! =) haha

                                                        BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!
I am so grateful for the friendship and memories we have, and the times that continue. Thank you for the amazing night!! Today was outstanding. Look at that smashing looking couple!! Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday night surprise!

Well a night of adventure is always date night right? Well the 6 of us (Ashley, Cody, Katelyn, Caitlyn, Dallan, and I) had no idea what kind of adventure was ahead. We headed to dinner. Costa Vida! Oh yum. I love it. It was delicious. We ate, laughed, and had a great time. On the way to the mall we were shocked to meet the bumper of the car in front of us very closely. Thank goodness all of us were buckled and ok. Everyone is very sore, I had no idea a seat belt could hurt so bad, but better sore than dead. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending angels to protect us. I am so grateful for my life!! I know prayers are answered. I am so grateful for the love of my Father in Heaven and for him to bless us with the ability to walk away only bruised.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life Unexpected!

I can't even begin to thank my Father in Heaven for the blessings I have. It's incredible to me how much he loves me by just looking around. Yes we all have our share of bumps and turns in our journey but it's amazing how much prettier and happier life is once you make the hard climb. It makes the view that much better. I want to send my prayers out to those who need them. Grandma, I love you! I know how strong you are, and I am so proud of you. I look up to you so much. You are a wonderful missionary, and the Lord is very pleased. Josh, I apologize for not writing but our thoughts and prayers are with you. We know you are doing great things! Keep it up Elder Fifita. Grandma and Grandpa Holliday, my love and faith is so strong. I see your hardships, and I pray you are both doing good. I know it's hard, but life was not meant to be easy. I love you dearly, and can't wait to see you this summer. Hang in there grandpa!!! Cancer is a battle that faith can only fight. Grandma you are the best wife I have ever seen. Grandpa loves you, and I know he thanks the Lord every second of everyday for you. Mom and Dad I am so grateful for your faith, and examples to me! The things you have taught me have given me the strength to smile through the storms. Caitlyn, you are adorable. The memories we have laughing and being silly are amazing. =) Now to all my best friends!!! I am so grateful for the love you show, and the kindness of your hearts. I am here if you ever need anything. Thanks for always being there, and remember "Without Change There'd be NO Butterflies!!" Life is hard for everyone, but we are all strong in our own ways. Hang in there everyone. I LOVE YOU!