Friday, December 24, 2010

Biggest Project I have ever Done!

Each year for Christmas I spend months doing projects. For the first time ever I didn't have any stitchings to do this year. All the families had their own, and the newly wed couples I finished this summer. So I started an experiment... A quilt! I have never made a quilt before, and had no idea what I was in for. Let alone a symbolic quilt with extra details added. I got started October 2, and finished it December 23.

As you can see each orange square has a stitching symbol inside it. Each one represents an memorable event. The quilt turned out being the size of a full bed. It was darling. I tied the green back to the quilt with the red yarn, and the clipped the quilt to make it ragged. Lots of time put into something you weren't very sure would even turned out was frustrating getting so close to christmas, but to my surprise it turned out absolutely darling!!! Here is the final picture.
It was so exciting to have it done, and the best part was giving it to my best friend for Christmas. Jared, loved it! He was so surprised, and excited to get something so meaningful.
                                               MERRY CHRISTMAS JARED! =)