Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fresh new starts!

Stepping into a new year is always so refreshing! It's great to know that you accomplished a lot, learned so much, and grew to new heights. Here are some things I accomplished in the year 2011:

I got my C.N.A (Certified Nursing Assistant)
I graduated from High School with High Honors, and received a scholarship
I worked 3 jobs this summer
I started college, and have paid every penny of tuition all by myself! (those 3 summer jobs helped)
I have stepped into one of the scariest callings so far, Ward Music Director/ ward choir director

That's the big highlights of 2011, and 2012 has so many new things in store. Here is a sneak peak into some of the things I will be experiencing this year =)

My best friend (Jared) leaves on his mission this year!!!!!
I will be moving to Mississippi for nursing school in May
I turn 20 this year =)
My little sister turns 16 in April. I can't believe she will be dating, and driving! Oh my where does time go?

I know 2012 has many more lessons, trials, friends, and experiences for me to enjoy. I look forward to the growth, laughs, and life this year has in store. I pray all of you have a wonderful year, and I pray and love each and every one of you.