Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Manti Weekend #1

Manti fun! We had a blast. Got to baptims at the gorgeous temple, swimming, park, fun, and great great food. Oh yeah and family. ;) haha
 Look at us girls with our hair wrapped up in towels after our showers. The bug infested showers might I add. But don't worry we survived. =) Maybe we could be pioneers after all. Haha yeah right!
 The rain came and went a lot through out the day. Look at the double rainbow that came after the rain. Gorgeous!!
 The brothers relaxing. =) A weekend much needed!
 Swimming in the freezing cold! Look at all those kids jump. They might have to refill the pool after all that =)
 Us smart girls "chilled" in the hot tub. =)
 This is how we got everywhere in the back of Greg's sexy red chevy. We even got soaked by the sprinklers at the temple because uncle Greg parked underneath them. Haha
Look at my adorable parents. I love you mom and dad!
On Saturday  Matio was sealed to his family for eternity. The spirit was incredible, but the family and fun was just as good. Look at the pictures! Jealous? It was so great. I am so excited to do it again with everyone in two weeks. Watch out Manti Madsen family is coming back!!!
 Matio is by far the cutest baby in the whole world. Look at those chubby cheeks perfect for kissing, and his cute little teeth coming in, but how in the world do you say no to those huge brown eyes? Good thing you don't have to say no, he is the happiest baby I have ever seen. Congrats Matio we are all so grateful to have you in our family!
 Our missionary grandma =) She got permission to come up for the sealing. We were all so grateful to see her. She is a great missionary. We love you grandma.
 Lexi acting just like mama. Well maybe the next one will be a cute girl just like Lexi. Yup that's right Amy announced she is expecting!!! We are so excited. =)
Sunday we took pictures at the temple. Here are a few of me...

Here are us cousins!!! Thanks aunt Ang for the perfect pictures!

 My gorgeous sister! I love you Caitlyn.
I love my eternal family. I am so grateful Matio has an eternal family now. Temples bless our lives, I will put more pictures up later. It was a wonderful weekend!!!