Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Few more pictures...

I found a few more pictures I just had to add of the Manti trip so here are a few more of the captured moments. =)
 Here we are soaked to the bone. Sisters still looking beautiful. =)
 Cousins at the temple late at night in the middle of the storm. Greatest night ride ever.
 Gorgeous flowers surrounding the temple grounds.
The temple grounds were so peaceful, beautiful, and sacred. Even the little kids felt the spirit on the grounds they were reverent. It truly is the Lord's house...
 This temple literally sits above the city. Every home, business, and place in Manti has a perfect view of this beautiful building. A light on a hill cannot be hid...
 Temple in the pouring rain. Storms come, but the Lord's light shines continually. Never does it dull...

This is my favorite picture of the whole weekend. The beauty and simplicity of this picture literally has a thousand words. Heavenly Father thank you for your blessings of temples, and I am so grateful for the huge role they have in my life. I can't wait to receive more blessings of the temple, and the temples are a place we will never learn all there is to know about it. Prophets continue to sit in the temple and learn more about the work being done there. We have much to learn, and much time to learn it. Go to the temple don't let this beautiful building just be a sight you enjoy looking at, hear and feel it.