Monday, May 30, 2011

Prom Pictures!

I have received MMHS prom pictures! Man the wait was totally worth it. =) Look at the smashing couple! I can't thank Jared enough for that night. It was by far the best night of my life!
I feel like a princess, and luckily for me my prince charming is dancing beside me =)
What to make for dinner... hmmmm  =) haha
Maybe if I tilt my head to the side the picture comes more to life.... nope...
Jared, you always know how to get my true smile out... just look at that smile, it's too big to measure. =D
I was waiting for the sneak attack ;) rawr, cutest boy coming for me should I run??? HECK NO! =)
Our group was AMAZING! Thank you everyone for adding your 'special' part. It was very memorable.
Jared, I want you to look at this picture. See even throughout life I will always be right around the corner watching you. If you ever need me I am here bestie! Thank you for the best night!! I will never forget it. =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Everyone I am proud to announce I have accomplished my high school years! I walked across the stage to get that pretty piece of paper, and I also received 3 fancy signatures. I worked hard 4 years and look what I got. =) worth it right? Oh ya! A paper that says I now get to go on to more schooling. Hooray!!! No high school was good, not great but good. I don't want to relive some moments, but there are moments I will never forget. Many people changed my life, and I am so grateful for them. Jared, you are one of those special people! Don't forget you made an impact on my life. Thanks!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Seminary Graduate!

I am a full 4 year seminary graduate. I loved seminary. I had amazing teachers. Two of the teachers that had the biggest impact on my life were Brother Jeff Harris, and Brother Josh McCune. My teachers were amazing, the lessons were inspiring, and the spirit was never ending. Thank you for the testimony strengthening all my seminary teachers, peers, and lessons have given me. The spirit really is the true teacher in that class. =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Oh the adventures... It's 5:45 and Jared will be showing up at 6:30, I slip on my dress, and to my surprise it's ruined! The rinestone on the side... gone. The back covered in ink, and the shoulders stretched a mile wide. I learned my lesson for letting someone borrow my dress. My amazing mom sewed me into that dress, and my neighbor came to the rescue when we couldn't find a single safety pin in the house! Let's just say cutting it close is not my thing.

Once we made it to the dinner and dance it was great. Look at all the friends I have! This is just a few of them...

Senior year was terrific! =) Friends are always there, but through anything and everything my best friend was the one there 24/7... Jared! We started high school together, and we are finishing it strong together. =) Best friends for eternity!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yearbook Party!

Friday night was our yearbook party! It was sad writing in seniors' books. It's not H.A.G.S (have a great summer) it's a goodbye letter thanking them for the wonderful friendship and memories. It's wishing them a great new life, and hoping to cross paths one day in the grocery store. =) I got only one picture at the party, I'm just too famous... haha But Maddeysen is one of the best friends I hope to meet again. She has had a lasting impact on my life, and I wish her the best as a senior next year, and throughout her life....
Today was also my daddy's birthday. I want to tell him thank you for all he does. I am so grateful for him, and the love he has for me. Happy birthday daddy!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Senior Awards Assembly!

Graduation is coming so fast! I can't believe senior year, high school, and my childhood is coming to a close. I am sad to see it end, but so excited and ready for life to continue. I can't wait to start living the next chapter in my life. College will be great. Thank goodness for scholarships I have been very blessed to have. I am so grateful for the help I have received to start college. I worked hard for my grades, and here is the proof =)

I will be graduating with High Honors, and a GPA of 3.98. I had the best teachers I could have ever asked for, so many great friends, and don't forget all the high school drama, that made me such a stronger person today!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I work for the cutest little couple in the entire world! Reed and Leslie Francis have had such a great impact on my life. I am so blessed to have the opportuinty to serve them each week. This week they celebrated their 70th, yes 70 years together as husband and wife, together. They are still healthy and strong. I love them!

I hope to one day have a marriage as strong, and lasting as theirs. They are such great examples to me of how you should treat your spouse. Love is eternal....

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Goose last concert... I want to tell my sweet sister she is amazing at the violin. I am so grateful for her musical talent. She has worked so hard in the last few years to learn, and conquer the violin. The music that flows from her fingers and bow is outstanding. She loves the violin, and we all love listening to her. She is amazing!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Happy birthday Jared!!!

Laser tag, games, frisbee, fun, and even lopsided mustaches. I hope your birthday was great. Dinner, dances, concerts, and cake. Happy 18th Birthday best friend! =)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Well if your name shows up 3 times on the ward program that shows you are very important right?? Haha well ward organist...Brooklyn. Closing speaker..... Brooklyn. Musical number accompanist....Brooklyn. It was quite the race. I played the opening hymn, sacrament hymn, muscial number, spoke, then straight from the pulpit to the organ once more. It was very stressful but to my amazement the blessing of the Lord was with me. Here is a copy of my talk I gave on my dear mom.

Who wiped your very first tears? Who stayed up countless hours when you didn’t want to sleep? Who cheered you on when you took your first steps? Who helped you when you scraped your knee? Whose kiss makes everything better? Who talked with you when you were heartbroken that your first crush didn’t like you back? Whose knuckles turned white from squeezing the door so hard the first time you got behind the wheel? Who watched you pace the floor the day of your first date? Who spent hours helping you find a prom dress, do your hair, pick out shoes, and then fixed the boutonniere on your date? Well all my life it’s been my sweet mom. I want her to know how much she has impacted my life, and I love her dearly for it.
A few fun facts about my mom are she is from Mississippi, and has that darling southern accent. She was adopted by the two best parents ever! She was a cheerleader throughout her teen years; she loved to dance, and not to mention she is very loud. She loves diet coke, she loves her flowers, can’t forget she is a huge fan of BYU, she takes care of the fire when we are camping, and she loves Neilson’s caramel cashew frozen custard. She loves turnip greens with vinegar, her favorite midnight snack is buttermilk and cornbread, and she lives for the humidity.
 =) We love her! My mom and I have lots in common. We love to laugh. You get us together, and we tell stories. She is so much fun. Her personality is colorful and bright. We never get bored. WE both love to clean. Some of our greatest bonding times are when we are cleaning and just talking. We also have a love for decorating. She is the best decorator! She is hired to decorate my house when I am moved out and married, that is if my dad ever gives me permission =)
Mom, do you remember the best days ever? I will never forget going to gardener village, craft boutiques, rodeo, stadium of fire, I will never forget going to yoasis. I remember driving in the drive through and getting a delicious looking treat but to our surprise it was disgusting. We drove around the corner, and threw it away. We laughed for hours about that, and it still lives on in us now. I am so grateful for the fun times we have spent together enjoying each others personalities, and bonding together.

Another fun story is our Christmas tradition of putting up the lights. We love Christmas time, and my mom loves getting things out after thanksgiving. My mom had a great idea to save some money, and energy by buying LED lights. So we spent the afternoon putting up the new lights mom had bought. Night time came around and we plugged them in and to our surprise our house seemed to take off like a UFO. Oh my goodness it was horrible. The next day we took them down, and put them back in the boxes, took them back to the store.

Each year during Halloween we go out to Gardener Village to see the display of the witches. They have a huge pond. Caitlyn and I were little, and we caught tadpoles out of the pond. We put them in a cup filled with water, and we got in the car to go home. Mom specifically told us that we needed to keep them in the cup. Five minutes later the tadpoles were on the seat bouncing around, and us two little girls were screaming. Those tadpoles can jump high!

My mom has taught me many very important things. She has been the greatest example to me about modesty. Never in my life has my mom not been modest. She holds her covenants she has made in the temple very close to her heart, and the way she dresses has showed that to me. She is always honest. I love asking my mom for her opinion because she will be honest with me. She won’t tell me what I want to her just because I want to hear that. She knows how important honesty is, and I am grateful for the lesson she helped me learn of the importance of honesty in my life.

Many of my talents have been developed from my mother. She listened to me complain everyday of practicing the piano, she would always say, “You’ll regret dropping out of piano lessons later in life.” I stuck with it, and mom I am so grateful for you putting up with me and forcing me at times to practice. It’s been such a blessing in my life, and I am so grateful for the Lord’s trust with calling me as an organist. He knew I could do it, and my mom has always been a believer in me. I have started to keep a journal diligently, because I have watched my mom keep a journal as long as I can remember. I am very organized and on time because that’s how my mother has always been. One of the most recent impacts my mom has had on me is that of blogging. I love to blog! I blog at least once a week. I love keeping a history of things that have changed, and influenced my life.

My mom is such a hard worker. It doesn’t matter what the job is she will work her hardest to get it done right. Her faith is unfailing. Her dad has been sick for almost a year now with cancer. She has never doubted her prayers. I know she knows God lives. Her testimony is rock solid. The person I am today, has a huge part of the sweet mom I have. I am so grateful for her, and the love she has had for me even when I make mistakes.

I know the blessings of mom's are one of God's greatest blessings. I am so grateful for my sweet mom. She has taught me so much. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for her. She blesses and impacts my life every single day. MOM I LOVE YOU! In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Happy mother's day to the greatest mom... Kimberly Ann Holliday Madsen =)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lehi Prom

Well the day date was a trip to the Hogle Zoo. We saw the giraffes, wolves, tigers, and you can't forget the adorable baby elephant named Zuri.

After the sun, fun, and animals it was a race to get ready. Had make something out of me. Caitlyn did an amazing job at transforming her sister. =)

Thanks to my group for welcoming me in so easily. Thank you to my sister for the beauty she transformed me into, and thanks Dallan for the fun time!~

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Beloved Soldier.....

Dearest Uncle Dean...
You are loved by so many. We will miss you. You have served family, country, friends, and the Lord all your life. We  are so grateful for your service, and unfailing faith. God be with you until we meet again....

Although he may be a fallen soldier, his Spirit has risen. Take good care of your brother up there. We love you.