Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blind Dates!

Ok, I have always been scared of blind dating, and when my "aunt" Suzanne Holliday asked me to go with one of her sons friends I was really nervous. Well what turned out to be a nerve racking thought turned out to be the start of a great friendship. Dallan and I have been out twice since then. Our first date he took me to the Carl Bloch exhibit, and we had a great time eating Pizza and getting lost. =) haha Our second date we went and saw Tangled, ate at Panda Express, and had a GREAT time in Wal-mart. Here are a few pictures of us being crazy. =) Aunt Suzie, thanks for introducing us.
 Dallan and I modeling cowboy hats. =) What can I say we are pretty COUNTRY!
Kayla and I wearing our Iron Man masks. Thank you for covering my face. haha jk Inside joke. =)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Family Night...

Well we are a family full of games. We love playing games together. Well for family home evening we started playing Rummikub. Look who joined us. =)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well which silly teenage girl graduates her college class before high school? Yep, that's me. I started taking my Certified Nursing Assistant class in August, and on January 13th, I graduated!!! I am now a CNA and 4 days after graduating, I get my first job interview. I will let you know how everything goes....

I also want to dedicate this post to my sweet parents. Mom and Dad HAPPY 21st ANNIVERSARY! I love you both!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby Matio!

Well it's been four years and we have been waiting anxiously for this bright new spirit in our lives. About four years ago my aunt Linda had a 'dream' that she would have one more spirit added to her family. His name would be Matthew. Well five or so months ago Linda received a call from a young birth mother who needed a family to adopt her baby. Linda accepted more than willingly. Well through much prayer, faith, and patience Matio has arrived. His birth mother had one request, that his name would be in Samoan so Matthew is Matio in Samoan. Look at this adorable little boy!

Welcome home Matio! You have many who love you. 12 siblings, 4 parents, and many many friends and family. WE LOVE YOU!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Life begins in 2011

As 2010 closes, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned, the strength I have gained, and the  growth I have experienced from trials. I had so many great things happen to me in 2010 here is one for each month.
                                                          January- I learned the power and importance of integrity.
                                                         February- Attempted to fix a car mirror
                                    March- Easter bunny delivered to baby chicks to Jared to answer him to prom
                                                           April- Easter, Conference, birthdays, return missionaries and prom
          May- A lesson to remember, even if you feel like the ugly duckling, you are beautiful inside and out.                                                YOU ARE UNIQUE! I also got my first kiss! =)
                                                           June- Last year of girls camp, pioneer trek
                                                            July-Stadium of Fire, Rodeo, Mississippi
                                            August- Started my senior year, Copper Mine, Organ calling in church
                                September- Turned 18, G-ma & Josh on missions, Prayers ARE answered!
   October- too many doctor visits...Catie shot her first elk, can't forget all the construction in the state of UT.
                                                       November-True friends are ALWAYS there
                                    December- Life is a gift, and it's precious. Christ came to Earth for each of us.

See life is full of lessons, adventures, and times to grow and learn. I am so grateful for another year to become stronger, and continue to endure. Life is a climb, but the view at the end is so worth it. I love you all, and hope you had a great 2010, and wish you the best 2011. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!