Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Pictures!

I have found a few random pictures, and I can't let them not be posted. So without knowing dates, and such just enjoy the fun shots we have captured over the last little while. Love you!!!

Most of these pictures are from Christmas day. =) haha sorry I didn't get them in the Christmas Day post.

Friday, January 13, 2012

22 years strong...

My sweet mom and dad celebrate their 22 years of marriage today. I am so grateful for my parents, their relationship, support, and love. They aren't perfect, but neither am I and so to me they are the best! I love them both very very much.

Mom: I love your laugh! Nothing is better than hearing you laugh with us. I have grown so close to you in the last few years, and I am so grateful for you. I was talking to sister Calder about how much I look up to you. She asked me where I learned to clean, and love organizing so much, and I told her with a smile that I learned from the best, You! We have so much in common. We love to relax and hang low sometimes because we have lots of stress throughout our lives, we love to decorate, clean, and organize. We enjoy going out, and coming home dressing down and sitting on the couch to watch our favorite shows (or in your case football) after a long hard day of work. I look up to you. I want to love my children like you love me and Caitlyn. I want to love my husband and support him like you support Dad. I want to gain strength, courage, and unfailing faith that I see in you. I have never ever seen you question the Lord, even in tough times like now. I am so blessed to have you as my mother, and you are a very special angel to me. I would, and will never do anything to hurt you. I promise.

Dad: I love your hands! Those hands have taught me how to build things (frames, faith, and my testimony). My special memories growing up were times building with you, being your tool girl. I remember sitting on the roof of the shed in Springville in the middle of a lightning storm finishing up the shingles, laying under the trailer we built together and handing you the bolts. I may not be your little hunter, hiker, or motorcycle rider but I am still me. I have changed in the hobbies I enjoy but the foundation of me is still the same. I am growing up, learning to adapt to life as an adult, and becoming a daughter instead of a little girl. I am beautiful, not cute. My princess dress will in a few short years be a wedding gown, and my castle will be the  temple. Even though I change the things I like to do, that doesn't mean I change inside. I love you. I have always wanted to make my daddy proud. I hope you know you can trust me, no matter what.

To the both of you: Thank you. Thank you for the way you raised me. Full of faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works, integrity, and virtue. These qualities keep me going on the right path. Heavenly Father is pleased with your guidance, and I thank Him every single day for blessing me with the two of you. I love you, Happy Anniversary!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fresh new starts!

Stepping into a new year is always so refreshing! It's great to know that you accomplished a lot, learned so much, and grew to new heights. Here are some things I accomplished in the year 2011:

I got my C.N.A (Certified Nursing Assistant)
I graduated from High School with High Honors, and received a scholarship
I worked 3 jobs this summer
I started college, and have paid every penny of tuition all by myself! (those 3 summer jobs helped)
I have stepped into one of the scariest callings so far, Ward Music Director/ ward choir director

That's the big highlights of 2011, and 2012 has so many new things in store. Here is a sneak peak into some of the things I will be experiencing this year =)

My best friend (Jared) leaves on his mission this year!!!!!
I will be moving to Mississippi for nursing school in May
I turn 20 this year =)
My little sister turns 16 in April. I can't believe she will be dating, and driving! Oh my where does time go?

I know 2012 has many more lessons, trials, friends, and experiences for me to enjoy. I look forward to the growth, laughs, and life this year has in store. I pray all of you have a wonderful year, and I pray and love each and every one of you.