Sunday, November 27, 2011


Man alive it's been YEARS since I had the opportunity to throw flour in Kaleb's hair, and make a mess while cooking a family treat. This year we (Kevin, Judy, and Mike's Family) got to "break in" Dwayne and Judy's house. Flour was everywhere! But the mess was so worth the fun and ending results.

Thanks so much for the laughs, mess, and treats! It was so worth the years I have missed. Love you all!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving this year was absolutely terrific! A few different traditions came about this year. We (my family and I) went to Aunt Judy's house for breakfast, so delicious and watched football on their 70 inch TV. Man alive that right there is life size! Afterwards we ate again at Aunt Janie's house. But my favorite part of Thanksgiving is carving the turkey with Uncle Parley. We do it every single year, and I feel so loved and appreciated when he waits for me to show up to cut the turkey. Dinner was delicious! So much food. Holy smoley! After eating we did beads, and watched football, but you can't forget we all took naps! After many slices of amazing pie (pecan) for sure, it was time for Uncle Parley and I to break the wish bone. =)
 Unfortunately every year I seem to loose, but I don't need to make wishes, my life is already exactly the way I want it to be! I am so blessed! After breaking the wish bone, we went home, and I had the opportunity to play Farkle (a dice game) with the Crockett family. I ended up taking 2nd place, and Jared took 1st. It was so much fun! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Girls Lunch Date!

Danielle came down (from BYU-I) for Thanksgiving break, and I got two hours to go to lunch with her! =) It was so much fun, catching up with her, and talking about our college lives. It's so crazy we have been friends for 19 years now, our friendship is eternal. I LOVE YOU GIRL!

Friday, November 11, 2011

God's miracles....

Seriously, God amazes me every single day. The beauty He creates for us to enjoy is breath taking. Look at this picture... Now words can describe...
Today made history, 11/11/11 but nothing compares to the beauty we experience everyday. I'm grateful for the simple beauties.