Sunday, August 28, 2011

Family Updates

Well it's been a while since I have had family updates. So let's list them.
  1. It's Grandpa Holliday's 79th birthday! We didn't think he would make it to this one, but look at him, cured from cancer, and smiling strong.
  2. Broc had his jaw wired shut. Poor little guy crashed on his bike, and has now to not only endure stitches, but yogurt, smoothies, and anything soft.
  3. Whitney's birthday came, and it was nice to remember her, and know that she is still serving a strong mission on the other side. We love you Whitney.
  4. Mataio is now crawling everywhere, but not only is he a cute baby look at Ricky and Sara's new baby!!!

Look at that gorgeous hair, and darling cheeks. She is so stinking cute! We welcome you to our family Kalia Louise Fifita. =)

Friday, August 26, 2011


Eagles kill the pioneers in over time. Man what a game. =) I totally lost my voice screaming! It was a riot. =) Thanks Caitlyn and all her friends for making my Friday night a blast. =) Way to go Eagles! 43 to 40!!!

College Life!

Everybody I can officially say, I am a poor college student. =) Hooray!!! I am so excited to be starting college. My first day is the 29th and I am ready. I have been on campus a few times for tours and trying to find things, and I am looking forward to this new chapter of my life. I also am getting the jittery nerves, but that's a good thing. After finding my classes and walking my schedule Jared, Becca (my new college friend), and I decided to look around and take some pictures.
15 flights of stairs. =)
After all those stairs Becca and I sat down for a nice little look out over the lake. We were tired.
The next thing we decided to do was take some fun pictures. Look how cute!
Jared ran the flight of stairs three times. He was resting.
 It's Jared and I as the poor college students. We both can't wait to start college! I am so very excited. =)
College Life here I come!!! Hooray!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nanny Brooklyn

I take care of the funniest dog. His name is Toby. Isn't he cute?
Toby is deaf, and is so sweet. He wouldn't do anything to hurt ya. But let me tell you he loves to play. Feeding him doesn't seem to difficult...right? Well here is his daily menu.
Breakfast is oatmeal, a block of cheese with his pill in it.
Lunch time consists of 1/2 a bottle of Star squash noodle soup, ham and ham gravy baby foods (with his pill mixed into it), two hand fulls of normal dog food, and a treat.
Dinner is a can of stew. The "meat" is soft dog food. Man it smells funny. But he loves it. He has a funny diet, and no wonder he has to take so many pills, but I love him! He is so sweet. =)

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of High School!

Caitlyn is starting high school. Can you believe it??? Goodness gracious I can't believe this. She is growing up so fast! Here is her first day of school picture. Cute!
Good luck Caitlyn in High school! I love you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Road??

I thought that when they did construction they usually made the road better than it was... Well I don't think this is any better...
They have completely blocked off our road. Mom and I had to wait for the tractors to move before we could even get out to go to work... Duke thinks it's fun to watch.
But the other two sleep through all the excitement and commotion.
Well it's been a few weeks and we are sick of the dust, mud, and noise. Please hurry on fixing the road... I am ready to have a red car again. =)


Yes, these little guys are now lining my street. "Road closed", tractors, piles of dirt, and plenty of construction workers. This new project they have is tearing up our road. Here is a picture.

Craziness huh??? Well that's our road, and it's just the beginning. =) Gotta love the construction in Utah.

Friday, August 12, 2011


With me working for the National Kidney Foundation I went to the truck show this year. There were tons of really neat trucks! Here are just a few pictures of the best ones.

This truck is a golf cart rebuilt to look just like a semi. It's amazing! They have this little cow train for kids, and look I fit!!!

When we finished playing around, and looking at all the trucks we ate a huge dutch oven dinner, and cobbler. Man it was good. I think I at too much because now look....
Now I don't fit in the cow train. ;) haha man it was fun!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Caitlyn had quite the experience! She went repeling for youth conference with the 20th ward, and she ended up being bribed into going down. Look at her!

A day in the mountains...

After a long day at work it was finally time to get out and have some fun. My family, Jared and I went for a nice "adventure" up Spanish Fork Canyon. We rode up the trial, and after fighting the steering on the four-wheeler we pulled off and made "camp". It was awesome. We played in the river, ate some yummy hot dogs, and enjoyed the bugs while resting. Here are some cute pictures.

Sorry it's small and blurry. Email pictures aren't so great. But everyone made their own hot dog sticks. Jared's was a hanger twisted into a nice little holder guarenteed not to allow the hot dog to fall off. Next was mom's a swinging hanger hoping not to bend into the ashes. Mine a tree limb stabbed right down the middle of my hot dog. It was awesome!