Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I have so much to be grateful for as always. I would like to share just a few items I am grateful for.
A- ability to learn, pray, and grow
B- beautiful nature surrounding us
C- character of each person is different
D- decisions we make, that make us stronger, mistakes help you learn...
E- excitement and experience each new day brings
F- family and friends
G- God gave us a body, and that's it's healthy
H- happiness
I- incredible joy and peace that comes from the gospel
J-joy and purity of children
K- Knowledge, learning means so much to me!
L- life itself is a huge blessing to me
M- my five senses. The world would be so boring without see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.
N- numerous talents each person has
O- our leaders in church, and our country
P- Priesthood. This has blessed my life in countless ways
Q- Quiet assurance of the spirit
R- rough spots of life, that help us become even more beautiful butterflies.
S- Savior's sacrifice for me.
T- Temples. They bless my life each week, and lift my spirits
U- Ultimate challenge of enduring to the end.
V- vibrant colors of the sunsets
W- willingness of others to help, and hopefully my willing heart to help others as well
X- X-tra blessings I enjoy each day, running water, heater, clothes, food, shelter, freedom, etc.
Y- YOU!!! If you read my blog, you mean a lot to me, and I am grateful for you.
Z- Zoo. You might think this one is kinda funny, but I am serious. I love animals, and the purity they have. I love all God's creations.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!