Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I have so much to be grateful for as always. I would like to share just a few items I am grateful for.
A- ability to learn, pray, and grow
B- beautiful nature surrounding us
C- character of each person is different
D- decisions we make, that make us stronger, mistakes help you learn...
E- excitement and experience each new day brings
F- family and friends
G- God gave us a body, and that's it's healthy
H- happiness
I- incredible joy and peace that comes from the gospel
J-joy and purity of children
K- Knowledge, learning means so much to me!
L- life itself is a huge blessing to me
M- my five senses. The world would be so boring without see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.
N- numerous talents each person has
O- our leaders in church, and our country
P- Priesthood. This has blessed my life in countless ways
Q- Quiet assurance of the spirit
R- rough spots of life, that help us become even more beautiful butterflies.
S- Savior's sacrifice for me.
T- Temples. They bless my life each week, and lift my spirits
U- Ultimate challenge of enduring to the end.
V- vibrant colors of the sunsets
W- willingness of others to help, and hopefully my willing heart to help others as well
X- X-tra blessings I enjoy each day, running water, heater, clothes, food, shelter, freedom, etc.
Y- YOU!!! If you read my blog, you mean a lot to me, and I am grateful for you.
Z- Zoo. You might think this one is kinda funny, but I am serious. I love animals, and the purity they have. I love all God's creations.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hunts of the Year!

This year we have had many blessings. Hunts of the year. Oh my goodness opening morning Caitlyn shot her elk, and closing day dad shot his massive bull. Thank goodness for the awesome experiences. Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing us with safety, meat, and lifelong memories.
Caitlyn with her PROUD daddy! Oh man we were so happy.
Daddy's dream hunt. Looks like work. haha we are just grateful for it to be dead, on closing day. Nine long days of being alone, and missing him here at home. Can't wait to see you dad!
Look at our caveman! He looks happier than a little boy in a candy store. He had success, and many lessons to learn. We love you dad, and are so grateful for your determination. WELCOME HOME!

Monday, November 8, 2010


On October 31st I was blessed with the opportunity of speaking in church. Yes it truly was a blessing. I had so much inspiration. When I was first asked to speak I was incredibly nervous with my topic, but I prayed to take it from another perspective, and the Lord greatly blessed me. Here is my talk:

In seminary a few days ago we walked into class simply to see the board split in two columns with a heading for each column. One side said, “Girls” and the other side said, “Guys”.  Class proceeded on like usual. We started with a hymn, prayer, and thought. Then our seminary teacher stood at the front. He asked all the young woman to write qualities of a young man. The board was covered. A few things written on the board were: charming, strong, tall, handsome, buff, and romantic.  He asked all the young men to come to the front, and write one quality that they look for in a girl to date, and later marry. Each young man put a quality. The list went as follows: Good cook, confident, outgoing, tall, smart, funny, flirty, and one word was written large in the middle. HOT. The boys sat down, and reviewed the list for a few minutes to see if there was anything they wanted to add. One young man sitting in the front walked up to the board crossed out HOT and wrote Beautiful. Young men I want to tell you something that every young woman wants you to know. No young woman wants to feel like an object. She wants to feel loved, protected, and appreciated. When you look at the pop up that is inappropriate instead of exiting immediately you then make a woman an object. Pornography becomes an addiction, and takes away ones agency.

The world we live in today is challenging, but there is hope in these trying times. I was asked to speak today on something that 25 years ago wasn’t even an idea. Pornography is taking over the lives of individuals, and as youth we hear about the counsel to not to get engaged with it, and to immediately walk away from temptations of pornography. Today I would like to take this subject from a different perspective. I will talk to each the young men, and the young women.

Young men, each Wednesday you stand up in opening exercises and repeat important words. We, young women listen to each word you say very carefully. You say, “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight”. Here you are promising God that you will keep yourself clean, and will stand strong when temptation comes. In the scout law you list qualities of a worthy priesthood holder. “A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” Vaughn J. Featherstone said “being reverent and clean complement each other.” If you are clean spiritually, physically, and morally you are reverent. The spirit dwells with you, and your testimony becomes stronger. I know that worthy young men have been trusted with God’s valuable keys of the Priesthood. You have power with those keys. Stay worthy to hold those keys, and don’t give into temptation. D. Todd Christofferson told a story of his mother. She had cancer in her neck, causing much pain to use her right arm. After surgery, her husband took her one day to the store in town. He asked the man at the store to teach his wife to use a machine that would simply roll the clothes straight. She could sit, and use her knees to move the bar to iron the clothing. Her husband simply walked over to the counter, and paid for the machine in cash. On the way home she asked her husband where the money had came from. He explained that for two years he had gone without lunches, and had put the money in a safe. He knew how much pain ironing caused her, and so he saved up every penny for the machine. Sacrifices like these mean the most to the ones you care about. Become a man who watches and protects womanhood; don’t take the women in your lives as something for granted, they are chosen Daughters of God.

Young women, God has trusted you with a precious gift. You have a body, and that body is sacred. Satan tempts us with our bodies, because he is jealous. He has no body, which makes him work even harder on yours to make you mistreat it. Piercings, tattoos, and immodesty are a few. When you use your body to get attention there are 3 things you are doing. First, you are mistreating a gift from God. He did not give you something so precious for you to ruin, or take it for granted. Don’t miss use it! Second, you are attracting the wrong kind of crowd. Pornography is a huge issue for all youth in the world today, and to think that individuals are attracting the wrong crowd breaks my heart. Third you are hurting yourself. The moment a picture is downloaded it is instantly accessible to everyone anywhere in the world. Don’t even think about putting that power into the computer mouse.

Virtue is a huge quality. Loving, and respecting yourself enough to stay virtuous is only hard if you have not made the decision now to always be a virtuous woman. Satan can only get you with temptations you have not made a clear stand on. If you know for a fact you will never smoke, that temptation is never a problem, but if you are unsteady about your decision of modesty and respect for yourself he will trap you so fast. Make the decision now to be a virtuous woman.

Now back to my seminary class. Our teacher then erased the boards, and wrote two new heading. “Elect Lady, and Worthy Gentleman”. He then asked us to come up and write qualities again. The list changed dramatically. The qualities underneath Elect Lady were: she focuses on the qualities of the future, modesty, her priorities are straight, she is focused on the light of Christ, she takes care of herself, she has a good attitude, she loves kids, she is forgiving, she has a willingness to learn, she is strong in the gospel, and has a testimony of Christ, she is understanding, virtuous, and supportive.
The qualities underneath Worthy Gentleman were: reliable, willing to sacrifice anything for his family, loves me no matter what, is always there, has a desire for the temple, return missionary, loyal, serves others, integrity, sincerity, smart about life, hard worker, respects womanhood, and a worthy priesthood holder.

The first list was based on looks, while the second list was based on who you really are. Pornography takes your ability to choose righteousness away. Don’t get sucked into Satan’s trap. It destroys you now, and forever. Make sure the door to pornography is locked, and shut tight. Don’t ever twist the knob even just a tiny bit because Satan will take advantage and welcome himself right in and get comfortable. Stay strong! If you stay righteous you will attract the right kind of person, who has the same desires as you do. Never be afraid to stand up for the truth. The Lord is on your side, he knows the trials you are facing. The world is hard, but with the Lord nothing is impossible.

I know these things are true. I know that prayers are answered, no matter how insignificant they may seem to us, the Lord really cares. I love life, and am so grateful for the experiences I have to learn, and sometimes teach. I know this gospel is true, Jesus is the Christ, and I am a Daughter of God. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.