Sunday, October 31, 2010

King of the.... Hill?

Dad has now found himself a new 4-wheeling buddy. We woke up this morning to find Moose asleep on the 4-wheeler. What can we say, we all love the mountains!!! Good luck Daddy on your big hunt!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sleeping Beauty!

Sleeping Beauty had lots of visitors yesterday. Her wicked step mother was also here. But thank goodness she had her 'fairy' godmother here as well. Halloween was great.
Sleeping beauty awakes! It was so much fun to have the ward trunk or treat, then the storm came rolling in. But don't worry we stayed home for the first time in my whole life, and handed out candy to the cutest trick or treaters! We had everything from Elvis, lady bugs, and Prince Charming come by. Happy Halloween to everyone!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"The Duke"

Our new family member! This cute and cuddly little siamese kitten is the newest member of our family. We named him Duke. He is one month old, and he loves to play. It's so cute, his eyes are super crossed eyed, and he walks really funny. He is adorable. =)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I can fully say I believe in the hand of God and the power of miracles! yesterday we received wonderful news. My sweet Grandpa Holliday went to the doctor. Many of you know he has lymphoma cancer. They told him it was incurable, and that they would do chemo therapy to see if they could slow down the mass of cancer. The doctor did the scans, and all the tests, and his mass is nearly gone!! Tears filled my eyes, and still do fill my eyes, because we have prayed, fasted, and much more praying for him to simply be strong, but to heal was not on our agenda. God knows each of us, he knows our struggles. Listen to him, and you will be happier. I know the Lord has blessed my family in numberous ways! Grandpa we celebrate, and we love you!!! Still praying, but our prayers are of great thanks. Wishing you the best of luck, keep your faith...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Senior Pictures!

My mama is a photographer to the bone. Yes we had no idea, but look how cute these turned out!
Well that's me! Smiling away. I love being a senior. Lots of new adventures, as well as responsibilities, but it's great. I love life! Change is good. Here is a great quote, "If nothing changed there would be no butterflies!" It's so true.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gardner Village!

Every year my mom and I love to go to Gardner Village and see the witches at Halloween time. This year we had a fun friend join us for the trip. Lots of new witches to see this year. We loved them all. It is great to see the creativity of people, and how it all ends up working together. Here are a few pictures.
Thanks mom for the awesome time! I love you!!!