Man alive that right there has DAD written all over it! Dad is the best cook when it comes to dutch oven. Of all the things I could have had for dinner, I got to pick my favorite. BBQ chicken, potatoes, and cherry cobbler. Absolutely delicious! Thanks dad for the wonderful Meal!
I was lucky! I got a cute new pair of shoes, a bouquet of daisies! Many other things, but one thing that I have to blog about is this adorable painting I got. As many of you know, I clean for a few elderly couples. They are my "adopted" grandparents. Well Sister Francis painted my cat Memphis. Memphis drowned last year in Brother and Sister Francis's irrigation pipe. This painting means a lot to me. It's so cute!
My party was great, but the best part about the whole entire night, was the nerf war before the party! Totally awesome!