Saturday, August 28, 2010


My second home is the mountains. I love going up with friends and family and having fun together. If you get rid of the distractions of phones, TVs, and computers, you can just relax and be yourself. It's those times together we remember most. Laughing, telling stories around the campfire, and doing skits.
Noah and I taught the family how to do the chicken dance! We danced our tails off, and everyone loved laughing with us.
We then got to get warm next to the fire and enjoy some smores. Making a fool of yourself pays off in more ways than one. It's great to just have fun, and be wild!
This picture says a thousand words. I love the flame at the bottom, it looks like a rose. Dad, great timing with the camera!


Nature is a love deep in my heart. I love getting away from the world, and spending time in the gorgeous scenery. This breath taking sunset just gives me the chills. How can you not believe in God when you see a incredible scene like this? I know God lives, and this is a manifestation of Him.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Daddy and his girls. I can't even express how much I love my dad! We love staying up late talking about life. We tell each other our dreams, fears, and greatest accomplishments. We are so close. I look up to my dad. His testimony is so strong, and his faith is unfailing. I love him! Daddy, you are the best!!!
Caitlyn, is an amazing violinist. She has improved so much in such a short amount of time. I love listening to her play. Keep it up Catie!! It's great.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tender Hearts...

My prayers and love go Blaine, Iola and their families. Blaine, you are an amazing man. You have touched all our lives in one way or another. Thank you for all you have done. May God bless you, and take you home shortly. You have done all that is needed here, we will take care of your loved ones. You took care of us, we can lend a hand. Stay strong to the end. Grandpa, Richard, is waiting to greet you on the other side...
All our love goes to you!

My Stitching adventures...

I love to sew. I enjoy stitching. It's a great way to escape stress of everyday activities. I have stitched many many sewings for families. If you would like your family done, let me know I am starting to sell them. I need about 2-3 weeks to do a medium size family. Maybe more time depending on how much detail you want on each person. I am more than happy to do one, contact me for more information. Here are some good examples.
This family won a stitching from our ward auction. This is the final result. It was fun!
This one is my personal favorite. I spent many hours on this one. I worked super hard, but the end result turned out the best. Absolutely darling!!
I love finishing a stitching and giving it as a gift. They are so fun. I did this sewing to my sweet cousin Chelsey and her husband Jordan. I gave it to them for their wedding gift. As you can see they loved it!
The reactions make every drop of blood from the needles so worth it. The time is not wasted when you see it really touched someone to receive something so personal and unique.
Congrats Chelsey and Jordan. I LOVE YOU BOTH!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bingham Copper Mine

Did you know that since we live next to one of the biggest mines in the world. It is so big it can be seen from space! This hole is gigantic. See those tiny trucks? Look how big the tire alone is compared to my tall daddy! Think they are still tiny? Or does it throw into perspective how big the mine really is?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bridal veil falls... or the dog?

Well my cousin Chaz came to Utah to visit for a week, so we had lots of things to show him. One of the adventures was Bridal Veil falls. It was pretty as you can see, but my attention was turned to something I love more. My dream dog!
Yep that's right! This is my dream dog. An English Mastiff. Meet Ruffard. He was the runt of his litter, and weighs 170 pounds. He is very loving, and loves to give slobber filled kisses. ADORABLE! Is it ever gonna be mine? Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to dream.