Thursday, March 31, 2011


My cute little caterpillars have changed rapidly. They are now changing even more. They are all in their cocoons and I am excitedly waiting to see them as butterflies. Everyday I hurry home from school and run over to see if we have a newly born butterfly waiting. None yet, but they are coming.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Prom Surprise!

To my great surprise I came home to a bouquet of purple daisies, a poster, and a tasty reese's candy bar.
 Don't mind the lid of the ice cream. I ate the candy bar before we got a picture so I put that in it's place. Haha oh my...
Thanks Dallan! You will be answered shortly...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fat and Fuzzy!

Look what has happened in only a few days more than a week. These caterpillars have grown so fast. They are nearly ten times the size they were when we arrived them. Thank goodness they are almost butterflies. I am so excited to see them. Just cross your fingers the weather gets warm so I can set them free. =) I will continue to keep you updated.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Guess who is here???!!!

It's that time again! I am so excited to have my new little friends join me for this upcoming spring weather. My five little caterpillars arrived! They are growing so fast. I will keep you updated with all the little details. Here is a picture of them, eating, and getting fat.
And yes we had to tape them to the table because the mean monster of the house named Duke would have himself a fun little snack. They are getting fuzzy! I am so excited.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Call me mean...

While Duke was enjoying his cat nap I decided to get revenge on the little stinker. I was painting my toenails, and enjoying the fun spring weather, of course in sandals. Well the idea came into my mind.... haha yep you are right. I painted Duke's nails!!! He has matching toes just like me. Bright red!! Haha he held still while I did them, but won't hold still for a picture. He is not very happy. Oh man it feels good. =)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Simplicity in Beauty

With the fast Sunday testimony meeting a lot of the testimonies born today were on gratitude. It really made me think of the things I am grateful for. I want to share some thoughts I have had today with all of you.
Simplicity is the greatest kind of beauty. A child's laugh, and the purity that rings within their smile brings joy and happiness to all of us around them. Because of the simplicity in a laugh happiness is easy to achieve. I am grateful for laughter...
The clouds fill the sky, and fill the Earth with water, rejuvenating the plants and life on Earth.One of the most relaxing sounds is the sound of rain dropping on the roof. I fall asleep quickly whenever it rains, and the world seems to slow down just a little.
Not only do we enjoy the smell of rain, the peace and calm it brings, and the blessing of water but a simple miracle takes my breath away. With just the right amount of water, and the perfect angle of light the beauty of a rainbow takes your mind.

Beauty is simple, divine, and unique. You don't have to be a model, or have the best clothes. Beauty comes within, and is based on your heart. I know God lives, he loves us for who we are, not what we look like. I know I am a Daughter of God. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet. Thomas S. Monson leads and guides the church today. The spirit is real, and I am so grateful for the power of it in my life. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have, and the knowledge I have yet to gain. Families are eternal, and the temple is a place I go to be renewed with the spirit. Never let Satan tell you otherwise. I know of these things to be true, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.