Saturday, July 31, 2010

Out Running a Storm...

If you know my family we LOVE the mud! There is nothing better then racing out a storm, and ending up soaking wet and muddy. Jared and Chaz soon found out the fun of that experience.
 In the end the Madsen adventure checklist was complete. Mud everywhere, ate lots of treats, and soaked to the bone. It was a blast!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mississippi Trip!

In two weeks so much happened. I can't even explain it. I have lots of photos to show some events that occurred. Greatest Summer Vacation!
Grandma and Grandpa bought this tricycle when I was little. It has gone through all the grandkids. We now have to stand on the back because our legs are too long to ride. Big Red was the best investment grandma and grandpa could have made.
Butterfly catching was the fun of breakfast. The dew on the flowers outside the back door drew those butterflies in every morning. After missing about five butterflies Catie and I just got goofy. Grandma snapped this photo just in time. She was the Queen at catching butterflies.
The highlight after dinner was our domino tournaments. In the end Grandpa was the King at dominos. We would bribe grandpa to be on our team with brownies.
Fishing was awesome. We caught lots of the things. Catie caught a tree, and snapping turtle, I caught a small little fish, Dad caught the haybail in the river a few times before making it all worth by catching this pretty good looking large mouth bass. It was by far an exciting moment for Dad! He was so excited. Kolby heard this story right when the fish was let free. Yep that's right we don't eat it, Yuck!
Bailing hay was quite exciting. unfortunately one rolled down the hill and into the pond. You can see the result in the picture above. No way that's getting out. Those tractors and machines are incredible. I am so impressed.
The truck girls! We were in for an adventure. We headed down to see something sweet!
The logging truck! Holy cow this process was impressive. We watched for hours. They cut down the tree, then pile them up, and a special machine puts them on the truck. The truck then compresses air into the trailer to  help hold the weight. Wow it was really neat! Cleaning out some dead trees in grandpa's huge forest. They have a lot of work ahead of them, but it's looking good.
Getting dressed up and ready for dinners with mom and her high school friends was always fun. We would go out, and have a great time, then come home and eat some more of Grandma's amazing southern cooking. Totally good! Mississippi was great. I am so grateful we had the opportunity to go spend some time with my amazing Grandparents, and cousins there. We love you all!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Stadium of Fire!

I have lived in Utah my whole life, and never been to the biggest event in Utah, the Stadium of Fire. So this year we decided to go. Carrie Underwood, the week before her wedding, and the fireworks!!!! Totally awesome!
Daddy's cutest girls. Mama is still a daughter at heart! We are sisters. Looking cute in red! Smiling for Dad. Off to the Stadium of Fire.